Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament, 2nd edition

(Wang) #1

376 Future Directions

Murrayet al. 2007b; Murray 2009; Spindleret al.
2009; Murray & Fleming 2013; Vavkenet al.
2013). Currently, there are no studies on the
direct comparison of regenerative CrCL treat-
ment and TPLO/TR/TTA. However, there is
strong data from studies comparing regenera-
tive treatment with cruciate reconstruction with
equivalent mechanical outcomes 15 weeks after
surgery (Vavkenet al. 2013) and 1 year after
surgery (Murray & Fleming 2013). While these
data have not changed the practice of deal-
ing with CrCL ruptures in dogs, the Food and
Drug Administration has approved the use
of regenerative treatments in clinical trials in


Regenerative treatment options for the CrCL
have been developed and testedin vitroand
in preclinical studies. Probably the strongest
point in favor of these therapies is a substan-
tial reduction of microscopic and macroscopic
progression of OA. Currently, such treatment is
being tested for its effectiveness in human trials.
Future studies will demonstrate if there is also
a place for such treatments in canine surgery.


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