Diabetic Living Australia – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1
Bread: Use for sandwiches, to
make breadcrumbs or toast, cut
into cubes and use in salads.
Coconut milk: Use in sauces,
desserts or smoothies.
Curry paste: Combine paste with
some lemon juice and low-fat
yoghurt for a quick and easy
marinade for fish, chicken or lamb.
Feta: Sprinkle in salads, over
pasta dishes or use in a spinach
and feta pie using filo pastry.
Olives: Use in salads, pasta sauces,
as a snack or finely chopped and
thrown on top of a pizza.
Pumpkin seeds: Sprinkle over
fruit salad for a little bit of extra
crunch, or use in salads.
Stock: Use in soups or sauces.
You can freeze extra for later use.
Tomato chutney: Serve as an
accompaniment to chargrilled
meats or chicken.

Celery: Use in soups, casseroles or
for a snack in between meals.
Cherry tomatoes: Delicious
chopped and thrown onto a pizza
in the last few minutes of cooking,
or used in a salsa or pasta sauce.
Orange: Juice for a brekkie drink.
Parsley: Finely chop parsley and
combine with grated garlic, lemon
zest, drizzled olive oil and freshly
ground black pepper. Toss through
steamed potatoes or serve over
chargrilled steak, lamb or chicken.
Potatoes: Roast, with crushed
garlic and pepper. Serve with
grilled protein and steamed vegies.
Red onion: Throw in leftover onion
with your next roast dinner or use
in a casserole or on a pizza topping.
Shallots: Use in stir-fries, sauces,
pasta dishes and in salads.
Thyme: Sprinkle over pizzas, use in
casseroles or toss through your
vegies with olive oil and crushed
garlic before roasting. ■


ng^ list


250 g^ pkt^ pumpkin^ seeds
1 L carton^ salt-reduced^
vegetable^ stock
195 g^ jar^ massaman^
curry^ paste
270 ml^ can^ light^ coconut^ milk
275 g^ jar^ tomato^ chutney
300 g^ jar^ Kalamata^ olives^

500 g^ piece^ pumpkin
1 brown^ onion/^1 red^ onion
½ small^ cauliflower
1 leek
1 large^ carrot
½ bunch^ celery
1 bunch^ large^ bok^ choy^ or^
choy^ sum
100 g^ pkt^ fresh^ shiitake^
1 red^ capsicum
2 Lebanese^ cucumbers
250 g^ punnet^ cherry^ tomatoes
250 g^ vine-ripened^ tomatoes
1. 5 kg^ bag^ Spud^ Lite^
200 g^ green^ beans
140 g^ baby^ spinach^ leaves
½ bunch^ green^ shallots
1 bunch^ lemon^ thyme
1 bunch^ flat-leaf^ parsley
1 piece^ ginger
2 oranges^

2 x^120 g^ each^ lamb^ leg^ steaks
250 g^ turkey^ breast^ mince
300 g^ blade^ steak^

2 x^150 g^ pieces^ skinless^ and^
boneless^ salmon^ fillets^

100 g^ low-fat^ ricotta^
(from^ the^ deli)
200 g^ pkt^ reduced-fat^ feta^

1 loaf^ wholemeal^ sourdough^

Fennel^ seeds
Smoked^ paprika
Dried^ mixed^ herbs
Garam^ masala
Sesame^ seeds
Freshly^ ground^ black^ pepper
Olive^ oil^ cooking^ spray
Olive^ oil
Salt-reduced^ soy^ sauce
Dijon^ mustard
3 cloves^ garlic^
Light^ milk
Reduced-fat^ grated^ cheese
Light^ margarine
1 x 60 g^ egg
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