Scale Aviation Modeller International – April 2019

(Romina) #1
snugly between the fuselage
halves, and I only needed
a bit of iller in a few
areas. I was now able to add
the wing sections. The wing
assembly Airix has designed
is interesting. First step you
attach the upper side of the
wings to the braces. This
created a secure it, before the
lower section was glued in
place. Next, the landing gear
was to be glued in place, and
you need to use the nacelles
as a guide, but don’t glue
the nacelles down just yet.
There are four parts to each
nacelle, and once everything
is assembled, these simply slip
over the landing gear braces
into place. I decided that I
would leave the irewalls of
of the nacelles, in the event
that the aircraft was too tail
heavy. I temporarily mounted
the wheels, and placed the
model on a lat surface, only
to see it sink back on its tail.
So, I crammed as much lead
into the nacelles as I could and

tested this again. Now it stayed
on its nose! Masking-of the
windows was as easy as I had
hoped. I placed small strips of
Tamiya tape on the windows
and then burnished around
the frames. Then using a sharp
knife, I carefully cut each of
the sections. Cutting masks
for all the windows took me
about half an hour to complete,
and then I temporarily glued
them into place for painting.
Before painting I primed the
model, again using Army
Painter ‘Brush on Primer’.
Once I was satisied there
were no blemishes or gaps, I
began the painting process.

I had a lot of diiculty inding
accurate sources on the colours
that were used by these aircraft.
Even the colour footage I found
wasn’t the best to make a proper
decision. However, I liked the
darker and lighter contrast of
the two colours and decided

that this was how I was going
to display my B-25. I thought
perhaps this was close to an RAF
Azure Blue, but it’s quite a grey-
blue shade. So, I stared with
the underside painting it with
Tamiya XF-82 Ocean Grey and
followed this with highlighted
sections of XF-83 Medium

Sea Grey. Lastly, I added some
white to the XF-83 and lightly
painted over top the entire
surface blending all the colours
together. I was left with a nice
uniform blue-grey, that has the
subtle hint of desert weathering.
Now the upper surface was
going to be more diicult, as

The first layers of Tamiya XF-82 and 83 applied With some Flat White added to the XF-83, the colours
were blended together

The upper surface ‘apricot’ colour, XF-59 Desert Yellow

Lightly layered on, XF-15 was mixed with X-17 to produce a pinkish tone




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