Amateur Gardening – 21 May 2019

(John Hannent) #1
Owners: Charlie and Tory Barne
Address: Glebe House, Queens
Road, Hannington, near Swindon,
Wiltshire, SN6 7RP
Garden size: Just under an acre
Month visited: August
Aspect: North-facing
Soil: Clay
Special features: Rose tunnels,
colourful shrubberies, lawns, an
orchard and vegetable garden.

11 MAY 2019 AmAteur GArDeNING 57

Choose the right plants for the
right position: here epimedium
and spotty-leaved pulmonaria
thrive in a shady spot

Underplant a white rose, such as this
long-flowering ‘Iceberg’, with insect-
friendly nepeta, low-growing forms
of which include ‘Walkers Low’

meet the gardeners

Try perennial
sage Salvia
‘Amistad’ for tall
flowers that keep
coming from May
to November. This
tender perennial
likes a sunny spot
and does well
in borders

Position seats near a planting of roses
to enjoy their fragrance and beauty

Bring together a perfect pairing, such as
a white single rose and the pale-flowered
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Bounty’

Attract insects using
plants with single-
flowered blooms, like
geranium ‘Johnson’s
Blue’ that provide
easy access to nectar

Enjoy the softness of pale-pink
roses. Great climbing cultivars
include ‘New Dawn’ and The
Generous Gardener (‘Ausdrawn’)

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