Guide to Wellness – July 2019

(singke) #1

Healing Foods

A French study, published
late last year in the journal
JAMA Internal Medicine,
has found that people
who eat a mostly organic
diet reduce their overall
cancer risk by 25 percent.
The researchers followed
almost 70,000 people
for an average of 4½ years.
In their analysis, they
accounted for many can-
cer risk factors, such
as age, gender, lifestyle,
diet, and education.
Although there was an
overall reduction in cancer
risk for those eating a
mostly organic diet, the
reduced risk was even
greater for two forms of
the disease: lymphoma
(a 76 percent reduced
risk) and postmenopausal
breast cancer (a 34 percent
reduced risk).
“The most surprising
finding was the extent
of the reduction,
which is far from the
usual risk observed
for nutritional factors,”
says Julia Baudry of
the Centre of Research
in Epidemiology and
Statistics at the Sorbonne
in Paris and lead
author of the study.

One of the require-
ments for a food to be
labeled organic in
Europe and the U.S. is
that it must be produced
without the use of
most synthetic pest-
icides. About 40
pesticides currently
approved by the Envi-
ronmental Protection
Agency for use in con-
ventional (nonorganic)
food production are
classified as possible or
probable carcinogens by
the International Agency
for Research on Cancer.
“There are lots of
benefits to eating organic
foods, and limiting
exposure to pesticides is
one of the biggest,” says
Charlotte Vallaeys, a
senior policy analyst and
sustainability expert in the
food safety and testing
department at Consumer
Reports. “This study adds
to the current body of
evidence supporting the
health benefits of eat-
ing more organic foods.”
Previous research
has found a link between
eating more organic
food and a reduced
risk of non-Hodgkin’s

lymphoma but not breast
cancer. "One hypothesis
explaining the inverse
association between
organic food intake and
breast cancer [in the
current study] may be
the endocrine [hormone]
disrupting effects of some
pesticides,” Baudry says.

There are several
limitations to this study,
which the researchers
acknowledge. Though
the number of people
involved in the study was
large, the group consists of
volunteers who are mostly
female, well-educated, and
very health-conscious. In
addition, study subjects
were 44 years old on
average at the start of the
study and were followed
for only 4½ years.
“This is a very difficult
area to study, and it’s very
hard to accurately assess
habitual consumption of
organic food,” says Frank B.
Hu, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the
department of nutrition at
Harvard T.H. Chan School
of Public Health. “Overall,
these are interesting
results, but they are very
preliminary. And it would
be premature to make
organic food consumption
recommendations based
just on this study.”
“Consumer Reports
recommends opting for
organic foods whenever
possible, in part because
they are produced without
most synthetic pesticides,”
Vallaeys says. In a 2015
analysis of government
data on pesticide residues,
CR’s experts found that
conventional carrots,
cranberries, green beans,
hot peppers, nectarines,
and peaches pose a higher
risk from pesticides than
other fruits and vegetables.


“The diet resolved reflux

in all 43 women who had it

by week nine or 10, and it

wasn’t just because of the

weight loss,” says Heidi Sil-

ver, R.D., Ph.D., a research

associate professor of

medicine at the Vanderbilt

University Medical Center in

Nashville, Tenn., and one of

the study’s authors. In par-

ticular, the study found that

every additional teaspoon of

sugars increased the odds

of having GERD by 13 percent.

Feed a Cold

“Your body needs anti-

oxidants during a cold, so

eating more fruits and veg-

etables is key to feeling your

best,” Foroutan says.

What about chicken soup?

The best-known research,

from Nebraska pulmonolo-

gist Stephen Rennard, M.D.,

found that chicken-vegetable

soup inhibited the move-

ment of white blood cells

that trigger cold symptoms,

such as a stuffy nose. “When

your mucous membranes

are inflamed, your nose can

get crusty and dry,” says

infectious-disease expert

William Schaffner, M.D.,

professor of preventive

medicine at Vanderbilt Uni-

versity School of Medicine.

Soup helps loosen mucus

so that you can expel it. But

you may want to avoid sug-

ars. “There’s some research

showing sugar weakens the

activity of certain [virus-

fighting] white blood cells,”

Foroutan says.

Can Eating Organic

Prevent Cancer?

A recent study offers food for thought










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