AIPP Journal – April 2019

(coco) #1

the colour images. Then I find an image taken
in a ‘normal’ part of the wedding day, a middle
ground, and apply the right preset. When I’m
happy with the edit, I’ll copy this setting to all
the colour images and this gives me a starting
point for all of them.
“Then I start at the beginning and go
through each group of photos, adjusting the
settings and applying the changes to all the
other images that are taken under similar
conditions. This speeds up the editing process
a lot and it also means that all the photos have
a similar feeling to them because they are
processed with similar settings.
“When all the edits are finished in Lightroom,
I use Alien Skin to process the edited files with
another preset that gives it a final look.”

Dan provides the images to his client on a USB
as a slide show which runs for around half an
“I know that not everyone wants to look
at a long slide show, but I also know from
experience that if you’re the bride and groom,
there’s nothing better than grabbing a bottle of
wine and settling down to watch a great slide
show of your wedding photos - at that stage it
doesn’t worry you how long it goes for!”
The photos are also uploaded to a Pic-Time
gallery ( and Smart Slides
( ) is used to

create the slide show.
“I give other wedding vendors permission to
use the photos on their social media platforms

  • and they remember and appreciate that. And
    PicTime is great for me to sell the couple and
    their guests other products – prints, frames,
    albums, greeting cards, canvas prints. Plus it has
    a really good visual gallery which helps clients
    imagine what the final products will look like.
    “I send my prints off to Atkins in Adelaide
    for printing and although clients might only be
    expecting a USB from me, I give them a set of
    10 prints as well as a surprise. Because it’s a gift
    from me, I get to choose the 10 photos, which
    is good if they end up being framed and put on
    a wall in their home because their friends and
    family will be seeing the photos I want them to
    Around half Dan’s clients order an album up
    front, and around half of the other half order
    one after the wedding. Dan includes a $400
    credit towards an album, so it’s a little incentive
    to get them moving.
    “If they don’t want an album, they will have
    to throw the $400 credit away as it can’t be used
    towards any other products. The reason for this
    is to give them as much incentive as possible to
    order a book. We love our books and we want
    everyone to have one :>)”


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