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lay and drop the layer Opacity to around 85%. Press Command-E
(PC: Ctrl-E) to merge the HDR layer into the Background layer.
Step Ten: Use the Green copy channel in this document to make
a selection of the subject again, and then copy it to a new layer.
We’ve hidden the Background layer here so you can see the
extracted subject.
Step Eleven: Create a new document (File>New) for the final
design measuring 600x800 pixels. Go back to the subject image,
and using the Move tool, drag the extracted image to the new
document. Press Command-T (PC: Ctrl-T) to enter Free Trans-
form, hold the Shift key, and drag a corner handle to scale
the subject in the composition as you see here. Click-and-drag
inside the bounding box to reposition the subject. Press Enter
when done.
Step Twelve: Here
we have a texture that
we’ll add to the back-
ground. You can use
this texture that’s part
of the exercise down-
load, or you can use a texture of your own. I like this one because
it has a framing element inside. To keep good detail in the texture
while removing the color, set the Toolbox colors to their defaults
by pressing D. Then, go to Image>Adjustments>Gradient Map,
and click OK.
Step Thirteen: Using the Move tool and holding the Shift key,
drag this image into the new document and then use Free Trans-
form to scale the image to fit in the composition. Also, make
sure the texture layer is positioned below the subject layer in the
Layers panel.
Step Ten
Step Eleven
Step Thirteen