More power per stroke and fewer emission per horsepower make E-TEC G2 outboards the
green answer to big horsepower boating whether cruising, fi shing or skiing.
device. It also off ers direct control of iTrim
and Dynamic Power Steering settings, and
one-touch winterization.
Winterization, you say? Which is worse:
walking through the messy steps of readying
your outboard for winter, or shelling out the
cash to have a pro do it for you?
You needn’t answer.
An E-TEC G2 engine block self-drains.
Then a pressed “winterizing ” button cycles
the engine, injecting oil to fog the cylinders.
Done — unless you decide to sneak out on
a season-extending lark because the process
will be just as simple to repeat! And remem-
ber, the process is built in, not added on.
Breaking in the motor is even easier; it does
it itself. Maintenance? No scheduled dealer
maintenance for fi ve years or 500 hours, and
a warranty covers that same span.
The oil reservoir is integral, not added.
Ports on the engine let you easily check
combustion oil, crankcase oil and gearcase
lubricants, making problems less likely.
Yes, creating a stellar outboard motor is
one thing. To design it to “play nice,” to fi t
smoothly into a boat and its operation, to fully
enhance the boater’s lifestyle, that’s another.
Evinrude has done that by integrating acces-
sories and rigging features into its E-TEC G2
outboards for easier rigging, fewer hassles and
easier operation.
You don’t have to know as much about out-
board motors as Evinrude does to appreciate
Evinrude products.
Oh, it’s fun to get into the details, the pro-
cesses, the minutia of the innovations and
engineering — and the company has a special
place in its heart for its gear-head fans. But
you don’t have to. You can simply enjoy your
boating, because all Evinrude E-TEC G2 out-
boards are easy to integrate, easy to operate
and easy to own.
Critics call something that is simple but
still fulfi lls its tasks “elegant.”
Hey, that’s another “E” for Evinrude E-
pricey option. Now it’s available
for multi-engine boats, factory-
ordered at one half or less the cost
of competitors.
Believe — and enjoy the ease
of this form of joystick control,
which also eases integration of
The engine communicates
with other boat elements too. The
iTrim feature monitors throttle
position, engine revolutions per
minute and trim, adjusting the
last to refl ect the fi rst two. The
key to its success? It’s integrated
into the motor, not added on.
Nor is what’s happening with
the engine a secret. An iLink
virtual dashboard app displays
revolutions per minute, fuel fl ow,
speed and other engine perfor-
mance and functions through
a tablet, smartphone or other
*Based on BRP testing and advertised features of each competitive
manufacturer at time of printing
signals electronically to a shift
actuator and throttle body within
the engine via wiring contained
within a single ambidextrous
tube. What is this ambidextrous,
you ask, and why do I care?
Ever watch two people, one
left-handed and one right-
handed, dine side by side? If the
lefty’s on the right and the righty
on the left, it’s an elbow-jousting
comedy of errors. Switch ’em and
all’s cool. Well, that’s what ambi-
dextrous tubing allows a boat rig-
ger to do, bring in the cables from
the left or right, for the cleanest
multi-engine rigging possible.
Within an E-TEC G2 engine’s
midsection are iSteer dynamic
power steering components
— part of the motor itself, not
added-on equipment.
Joystick steering was once a
OK, if you say,
the Evinrude
E-TEC G2 is
fi rst in power,
effi ciency and
low emissions
among out-
boards, who’s
Trick question.
It’s the origi-
nal E-TEC,
still the go-to
outboard for
fi shing,
pontoon, jet,
bay and fl ats
boats. Other
outboards, 3.5
to 15 hp, shine
in portable ap-