oincidences are, often, carefully
designed moments of serendipity
masquerading as old friends. There is
an instant recognition, a familiarity that feels
as sure as birth and as inevitable as death, and
a quiet feeling of trust in how that moment
is made and how it changes us. Artists
experience this all the time, thriving on its
paradox of uncertainty for what it brings and
what it takes in return. That symbiosis is often
celebrated as magic.
Last year, when India Art Fair (IAF)
announced its appointment of Zain Masud
as the international art director of IAF 2016,
serendipity stood tall and straight under the
arc light, suffused with the promise of new
The fact that this was a first in IAF’s eight-year
history would have been enough to keep the
arc lights on, but when you take that with
Zain’s hugely multicultural background,
someone’s got to keep a pack of extra batteries
on standby. Born to a Saudi Arabian mother
and a Pakistani father, Zain graduated from
Oxford University, before working in galleries
in Paris and Dubai, where she was the
By Praveena Shivram
iNTeRNaTioNal aRT DiRecToR of iNDia aRT faiR 2016,
ZaiN MasUD, sHaRes HeR Views oN wHaT seTs THe iaf
aPaRT aND wHY coNTeMPoRaRY aRT is iNTeGRal To a
HealTHY socieTY
World for New Beginning,
Asha Dangol, Nepal Art Council,
Acrylic on Canvas
91cm x 167cm, 2015,
Image Courtesy of Nepal Art
Council, Asha Dangol,
India Art Fair 2016
IAF - Delhi Connecting Art/ FEB 2016 - MAR 2016 / ARTS ILLUSTRATED /^35