
(Grace) #1


Start-up or upstart?
As innovation is also about mak-
ing changes, the language we use
to talk about it may change, too.
For example, an “upstart” is gen-
erally someone who has suddenly
become wealthy or successful —
and is arrogant about it. The term
is used negatively. Now, it’s also
used to talk about innovative
small companies that have few
resources — but are changing
the way that traditional compa-
nies work. “Start-up” is the more
common term for new companies,
for the moment. When you read
about innovation, look carefully at
the language. What’s new?

What ideas
have you got?

I’ve been toying with an idea.

I’d like to floatan idea or two.

Don’t abandonmy idea yet.

It’s the perfect place to

We need the team to evaluate
his idea.

Get the best team
agile[(ÄdZaI&l] (geistig) beweglich
diverse[daI(v§:s] vielfältig
independent selbstständig
interdisciplinary fachübergreifend,
[)IntE(dIsEplInEri] interdisziplinär
multidisciplinary fachübergreifend,
[)mVlti(dIsEplInEri] multidisziplinär
world-class Weltklasse

Innovators work together
corporate innovator Innovator(in) in der Firma
engineer[)endZI(nIE] Ingenieur(in); Techniker(in)
physicist[(fIzIsIst] Physiker(in)
researcher Forscher(in)
scientist[(saIEntIst] Wissenschaftler(in)
social scientist Sozialwissenschaftler(in)
subject-matter expert Fachexperte/-expertin
thought leader Meinungsführer(in)

Entrepreneur or intrapreneur?
An entrepreneuris someone who organizes, starts or runs an or-
ganization and takes risks. Today, many companies like to encourage
entrepreneurialismin their organizations. You will also see the term
intrapreneurto describe this phenomenon.

entrepreneur[)QntrEprE(n§:] Unternehmer(in)
entrepreneurial [)QntrEprE(n§:riEl] unternehmerisch (denkend)
entrepreneurialism [)QntrEprE(n§:riElIzEm] Unternehmergeist
entrepreneurship [)QntrEprE(n§:SIp] Unternehmertum
intrapreneur [)IntrEprE(n§:] Binnenunternehmer(in)
intrapreneurship [)IntrEprE(n§:SIp] Binnenunternehmertum

abandon an idea eine Idee aufgeben
evaluate an idea eine Idee bewerten
float an idea eine Idee vorbringen
nurture an idea [(n§:tSE] eine Idee fördern
toy with an idea mit einer Idee spielen

16-17 Small talkDDD 14.01.14 14:12 Seite 17

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