
(Grace) #1

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“In the dog-eat-dogeconomy,
the Doberman is boss”
Edward Abbey (1927–89), US environmentalist
and author

“How many people on their
deathbed wish they’d spent
more time at the office?”
Stephen R. Covey (1932–2012), businessman
and author of The Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People

“The two most beautiful
words in the English language
are ‘checkenclosed’”
Dorothy Parker (1893–1967), US poet and
short-story writer

What they said...


or centuries, Miranda donkeys—
native tothe Terra de Miranda re-
gion of north-eastern Portugal —
have been helping local farmers. But
increasing mechanization has re-
duced the animals’ role to such an
extent that they are nearly extinct.
Now, a new threat is on the horizon.
As a result of falling EU farm subsidies, many farmers say
they will no longer be able to afford the donkeys.
“I remember donkeys would be seen walking along most
of our roads, which really isn’t the case now,” Filomena
Afonso, director of animal genetic researchat the Por-
tuguese Ministry of Agriculture, told The New York Times.
Feeding and caring for a donkey costs an estimated €500 a
year. “Farmers now own donkeys out of love rather than for
the subsidies,” says veterinary scientistJavier Navas, who
is working on a doctoral thesisabout donkeys at the Uni-
versity of Córdoba in Spain.


Donkeys in danger

check[tSek] US Scheck
doctoral thesis [)dQktErEl (Ti:sIs]Dissertation
dog-eat-dog [)dQg i:t (dQg] mörderisch, Ellenbogen-
donkey [(dQNki] Esel
enclosed [In(klEUzd] beiliegend, anbei
environmentalist Umweltschützer(in)
extinct [Ik(stINkt] ausgestorben
genetic research Genforschung
[dZE)netIk ri(s§:tS]
native to[(neItIv tu] beheimatet in
subsidy [(sVbsEdi] Subvention
veterinary scientist Veterinärmediziner(in)
[)vet&rEnEri (saIEntIst]


Rare sight:
donkey at work


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