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errous metals(ones that contain iron)
make up by far the largest percentage
of the world’s metal production. Iron is an
element, a simple chemical substance that
consists of only one type of atom. It is in-
expensive and strong, and is used — com-
monly in the form of steel — to make
ships, cars, tools and machines.
Non-ferrous metalsalso play an impor-
tant role in the production of goods.
Thanks to its unusual combination of
qualities, aluminium is widely used across
various industries. Corrosion-resistant
and light, it is ideal for building aero-
planes. Aluminium is not poisonous and
completely watertight, so it is perfect for
food and drink containers as well as for
pots and pans. It is non-magnetic, easy to
form and efficient to recycle.
Copperis another widely used metal.
Because it has high electrical conductivi-
tyand can be easily formed into wire, it
is essential to the electrical industry.
The element chromiumcan be found in
most electroplatedproducts, for which it
provides a hard, shiny finish. Adding
chromium to stainless steelincreases its
hardness as well as its resistance to oxi-
dation and corrosion. Chromium can also
be used as a catalystto cause or speed up
chemical reactions.
Engineering metalsare usually alloys,
which are mixtures of metals with other
metals or substances. Why? Many pure
metalsreact with elements in the air or
in water that cause them to lose their
strength. Alloys combine the best of each
element to create better materials.
Engineering metals
Eisen, Kupfer oder Stahl? GENEVIEVEBESSERinformiert über
Eigenschaften und Verwendung von Metallen.
Choose the correct terms to complete the sentences.
a) A ferrous metal contains... ■■ 1.copper. ■■ 2.iron.
b) Food containers are often made of...■■ 1.aluminium. ■■ 2.chromium.
c) Pure metals are often weaker than...■■ 1.catalysts. ■■ 2.alloys.
Answers on page 64
acid-resistant [)ÄsId ri(zIstEnt] säurefest, -beständig
alloy [(ÄlOI] Legierung
brass [brA:s] Messing
brittle [(brIt&l] spröde
cast sth. [kA:st] etw. gießen
catalyst [(kÄtElIst] Katalysator, Beschleuniger
chrome plating [)krEUm (pleItIN] Verchromung
chromium [(krEUmiEm] Chrom
compound [(kQmpaUnd] Verbindung
copper [(kQpE] Kupfer
corrosion [kE(rEUZ&n] Korrosion, Zersetzung
corrosion-resistant [kE)rEUZ&n ri(zIstEnt] korrosionsbeständig, nicht rostend
creep [kri:p] Kriechen, Kriechdehnung
ductile [(dVktaI&l] duktil, verformbar
electrical conductivity elektrische Leitfähigkeit
[i)lektrIk&l )kQndVk(tIvEti]
electroplated [i(lektrEU)pleItId] galvanisiert
engineering [)endZI(nIErIN] Technik
engineering metal [endZI)nIErIN (met&l] metallischer Werkstoff
fatigue[fE(ti:g] Materialermüdung
ferrous metal [)ferEs (met&l] Eisenmetall
finish [(fInIS] Finish, Oberflächenbeschaffenheit
forge sth. [fO:dZ] etw. formen, schmieden
galvanize sth. [(gÄlvEnaIz] etw. verzinken
grind sth. [graInd] etw. schleifen
harden sth. [(hA:d&n] etw. aushärten
iron [(aIEn] Eisen
lead [led] Blei
machinable [mE(Si:nEb&l] zerspanbar
malleable [(mÄliEb&l] hämmer-, schmiedbar
manufacturing [)mÄnju(fÄktSErIN] Herstellung, Produktion
mercury [(m§:kju&ri] Quecksilber
metallurgist [me(tÄlEdZIst] Metallurge/Metallurgin
metallurgy [me(tÄlEdZi] Metallurgie, Hüttenwesen
non-ferrous metal [)nQn )ferEs (met&l] Buntmetall, NE-Metall
platinum [(plÄtInEm] Platin
precious metal [)preSEs (met&l] Edelmetall
pure metal [)pjUE (met&l] Reinmetall
react [ri(Äkt] reagieren, eine Reaktion eingehen
roll sth. [rEUl] etw. walzen
shiny [(SaIni] glänzend
stainless steel [)steInlEs (sti:l] Edelstahl, rostfreier Stahl
toughness [(tVfnEs] Härte
weld sth. [weld] etw. schweißen
Genevieve Besserteaches business and
technical English in companies and educa-
tional institutes. Contact: g.besser@besser-
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