Juxtapoz Art & Culture - April 2016_

(Tuis.) #1

Are there other artists working in black and white that
interest you?
We love Felicien Rops. He was a Belgian artist who lived
at the end of the nineteenth century. In 2006, we had the
opportunity to make an exhibition at the LACMA in Los
Angeles using their collection of Rops drawings. We made
a lot of wall drawings playing off his works. It was a really
interesting opportunity.
What do you like about the impact of black and white?
Actually, we started making black-and-white images because
Petra and I couldn’t agree about which colors to use, so we
eventually decided to stay in black and white; it’s faster. Also,
since color can direct the sense of a drawing a lot, we like
that black and white keeps the drawing as open as possible.
We like to leave the drawings open to interpretation.
I appreciate how you use the space in a gallery.
We like when the layout is a bit messy and surprising. We
need to think about all the space of the gallery, not only the
walls, but the ground, the ceiling, the doors, even the small
seams on the walls.
Do you have to sketch and practice the drawings, or does
everything come out perfect the first time?
To make a good drawing, we need to make at least five
drafts. It’s not easy to get the perfect line, and most of the

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