
(Ron) #1


HE diversity of India cul-
ture are reflected the way
our ancient cities are
built. Each city has its
own unique, socio-religious charac-
ter, illustrious historical past and
vivid cultural identity that is de-
picted in the architectural design
and landscape of these cities.
For the urban planners, it is a
huge challenge to develop these cit-
ies into a modern urban centre,
equipped with all the modern
amenities and at the same time pre-
serve their unique identity and cul-
tural and architectural heritage.
The multiple institutions and un-
clear regulatory framework for fi-

nancing and managing urban herit-
age as well as weak capacity of
Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) have
created multiple challenges for
managing these heritage cities. As a
result our heritage areas are ne-
glected, overcrowded with
inadequate basic services and infra-
structure, such as water supply, san-
itation, roads, etc. In many cities
even basic amenities like toilets,
sign posts, street lights are missing.
It was with this objective, the gov-
ernment launched the launched the
Heritage City Development and
Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY),
with a focus on holistic develop-
ment of heritage cities. The scheme

aims to preserve and revitalise soul
of the heritage city to reflect the
city’s unique character by encour-
aging aesthetically appealing, ac-
cessible, informative and secured
As a pilot, this flagship scheme of
the government focuses on revital-
ising twelve heritage cities: Am-
rawati (Andhra Pradesh), Gaya (Bi-
har), Dwaraka (Gujarat), Badami
(Karnataka), Puri (Odisha), Amrit-
sar (Punjab), Ajmer (Rajasthan),
Kanchipuram and Velankanni (Ta-
mil Nadu), Warrangal (Telangana),
and Mathura and Varanasi (Uttar
It is a central sector scheme,


Heritage Cities

HRIDAY Scheme aims to redevelop infrastructure of our ancient
cities while restoring their basic cultural and religious identity.
A BW SMARTCITIES report on the various initiative taken by the
central government to develop 12 cities under this scheme





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