World of Ships – May 2018

(Chris Devlin) #1


Paddle Steamers I World of Ships I 81

not meet the delivery date and the contract,
worth SwFr450,000, went to Esher Wyss, who
also provided the engine.
After a lunch on 2 June 1913, the vessel’s
first public cruise followed on 10 July.
Her name was selected to honour France,
with the country’s golden cockerel emblem
incorporated in decorative bow scrolls. An

LEFT Flier of the Lake Lucerne fleet fleet Gallia,
capable of 17 knots, sailing between Vitznau and
Beckenried. (Russell Plummer)

ABOVE Gallia making an annual overhaul visit to
the SGV’s covered dry dock in Lucerne.

12 Paddlers_Switzerland_NL.indd 81 17/04/2018 12:21

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