
(backadmin) #1
[ 27 ]


Step 13: Select the Backdrop Mat object
in the 3D panel. Go to the Diffuse set-
ting at the top of the Properties panel,
click on the page icon to the right of the
Diffuse color swatch to open a pop-up
menu, and choose Edit Texture. Click
OK in the dialog that appears. This will
open the original mountain backdrop
image with which we started. Create a
new blank layer in this image and fill it
with black as we did earlier. Close the
file and save the changes. Go to the
Opacity setting in the Properties panel,
click on its page icon to its far right, and
choose Remove Texture from the drop-
down menu.

Step 14: Go up to the Illumination set-
ting in the Properties panel, click on
its pop-up menu (the folder icon), and
choose Load Texture. Remember the
illum_base.psd we saved earlier? Go find
that and load it here. Click Open. This
will place the original image as an illumi-
nated texture, meaning this image now
emits light as a backlit photo. See where
this is going? ;)

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