
(backadmin) #1

>^ JULY 2017

[ 68 ]

  1. Channels
    For challenging selections, you can often
    take the approach of starting in the Chan-
    nels panel with the goal of creating the
    equivalent of a mask. The ideal mask for
    replacing the sky in a photo like this would
    be a black “silhouette” of the trees with
    a white sky. Go to the Channels panel
    (Window>Channels) and look at the Red,
    Green, and Blue channels. Pick the one that
    gives you the best start toward the black-
    and-white silhouette (often the best channel
    will be the opposite of what you need).
    Click on that channel (here it’s Blue) and
    drag it down to the Create New Channel
    icon to duplicate it.
    It’s vital to make sure that you’re now
    working on the channel with “copy” at the
    end of its name of whichever channel you
    chose. To make the dark-gray areas darker,
    and the light-gray areas lighter, try using Lev-
    els. Just be careful not to over-adjust to the
    point where fine detail is lost. You can also
    paint in Overlay mode as described earlier.
    Sometimes it can be helpful to invert
    the channel by pressing Command-I (PC:
    Ctrl-I) so you can spot issues you might
    have missed, and of course, if that’s the
    way you need the mask.

©Dave Cross
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