Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1

Tugs. Tows, and Log Booms

These are a common feature of travei in the Inside Passage. They are an
essentia1 economie 1ifeline for the coastal communities. Tugs and their tows
are not manoeuvered as handiIy as a yacht, so it is the responsibility of the
yacht skipper to take avoiding aetion when meeting them. Unless constrained by
the waterway give them plenty of room. Though it seems obvious, remember the
line between the tug and tow whieh is in the water between them. AlI tows also
traii a safety line some 200 feet behind them so do not pass close astern. At
night log booms have red hurricane lanterns lit to mark the outer limits of
their tow. Since these are fairly close to sea level and are not very bright
they are often difficult to spot.


The entire coastai area is a meeca for fishing and obtaining other seafood.
Licenses are required for fishing by the states of Washington and Alaska and
the province of British Columbia. There are daiIy and annual catch limits
described in the regulations far eaeh area. Lieenses are avaiIable through
most marine service outlets, fuei doeks, sporting goods, and hardware stores.
The type of lieence and approximate cast is as follows:

Washington - Resident annual license
Non-resident annuai Iicense

British Columbia - One-day resident and non-resident
Three-day non-resident


Annual: Canadian resident
Annual: Non-resident

  • Three-day non-resident
    Two-week non-resident
    Annuai non-resident
    Annual resident

$ 3.25

$ 3.50





An Alaska Fish and Game License is required for fishing in National Parks such
as Misty Fiords and Glacier Bay.


The majority of pleasure boaters cruising in waters covered by this guide
will be citizens of Canada or United States and there are only a few rules and
forma1ities with which to comply. They are primarily aimed at stopping illega1
drug traffic and at preventing abuse af the customs and immigration laws of
both countries which pride themselves on their long standing apen border. The
major requirements are to check in and clear with Customs and Immigration, and
to obtain a Cruising Permit which a110ws one freedom to travel in the waters of
the country with a minimum of red tape. Entry requirements are listed on the
following page.
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