Charles and Margo Wood - Charlie\'s Charts North to Alaska

(Elle) #1

Vessels and crew who are not Canadian or American may ha ve to follow more
detailed entry procedures. Cruising Permits can be obtained easily if one's
country has reciprocal arrangements with Canada and the U.S.~. Visas may be
needed for the skipper and crew depending on the nationalities involved.

Vessels must proceed to a Port of Entry without any landing, anchorage, or
meeting with another boato Ports of Entry are elearly labelled in the guide.
Only the skipper, or his representative may go ashore to report entry to
Customs. This can be done by telephone in many of the southern centers, or by
proceeding directly to the Customs Office. If one is caÌling in by telephone
the Customs Officers will arrange to come down to the vessel to check it in.
The person reporting in must return aboard immediately after reporting and
remain aboard unless clearance is given by telephone. Though there are some
small variations the customs and immigration la~s of both Canada and the Vnited
States require the following:

l. The yacht's registration, documentation or license papers

  1. A letter or statement from the owner allo~ing the skipper to move the boat
    if the owner is not aboard

  2. Passports, birth certificates, or other aceeptable identification of
    alI crew members

  3. Visas where this applies to crew members
    5. Limits to the amount of aleohol, beer, and cigarettes for each person.
    Certain fruits, vegetables or other agricultural products may be prohibited

  4. Dogs, eats or other pets should have a valid certificate far rabies
    vaccination within the last three years.
    7. Prescription drugs for personal use should have labels and have copies
    of the physician's preseription or a letter from him stating the necessity
    for their use.

  5. Canada prohibits hand guns, automatic firearms, and mace; and applies a
    criminal charge to anyone in violation of this rule. Hand gun regulations
    are a state responsibility in the United States. To determine current
    regulations far Alaska one must write to:

Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game
P.O. Box 3 - 2000
Juneau, AK 99802

Failure to conform to the requirements far declaration and check-in
procedures make the vessel subject to seizure and/or fines. Recent eases
include a $100 fine for not deelaring 1iquor on board in excess of the allowed
amount; $100 fine far being 24 or more hours late in reporting in; and $300
fine for persistent disregard of entry procedures by 10eal boaters near border


This is a highlight of any cruise in these waters. A sma11 crulslng vessel
provides many exce11ent opportunities to observe whales closely. The whales
one may encounter include four baleen whales: Gray, Humpback, Minke, and
Finback; and three toothed whales: Orea or Killer ~hale, and the Dalls and
Harbor Porpoises.
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