Author's explanation/Calling Procedure -MF Radio Telephone Service:
Belgian vessels call on 2484 or 3178kHz, and listen on 2484kHz -
you will then be told to go to a working channel (Ch251I2S7I2S9/
2711272). Foreign vessels call on 2182kHz/listen 2182kHz for reply -
you will be sent to a working channel (as above for Belgian vessels)
e.g: (ship calling on 2182kHz):
'Oostende Radio (x3) this is MV Wizard (x3) callsign GWIZ -Over'
'MV Wizardthis is Oostende Radio - go Channel 257 and standby
- Over'
'Oostende Radio this is Wizard - Channel 257 and standing-by
(Ch257) 'MV Wizard this is Oostende Radio - call details please-
'Oostende Radio this is Wizard-callsign GWIZ - AAIC' (Accounting
Authority Code) - one link call please to Rotterdam 4fxxxxxxx -
(Oostende will acknowledge, and connect your call)
2. RT (HF) Hours of service: H24
(Author's selection of channels -for complete list see ALRS Vol. 7)
OSU24 43781 (408) 40861 J3E
OSU21 4387 (411) 4095 J3E see table
OSU31 6504 (602) 6203
OSU41 8761 (815) 8237 J3E see table
OSU42 8803 (829) 8279
OSU51 13095 (1207) 12248 J3E see table
OSU53 13113 (1213) 12266
OSU52 131191 (1215) 12272
OSU63 17278 (1613) 16396 J3E see table
OSU61 173W (1625) 16432
(1) Autolink or manual calls
Hours of Watch: 4095 and 8237kHz: H24
12248kHz: 0800-0900, 1000-1100, 1200-1300, 1400-
1500, 1600-1700, 1800-1900,2000-2100
16396kHz: 0900-1000, 1100-1200, 1300-1400, 1500-
1600, 1700-1800, 1900-2000
Traffic lists: (includes Telex traffic list)
8761kHz: every H+OO (0800-2000)
13095kHz: every even H+OO (0800-2000)
17278kHz: every odd H+OO (0800-1900)