Author's explanation & communication procedures:
(i) -SENDING message to telex number 234567 in England, telex country
code 51 - making direct telex connection (DIRTLX) with the office in
England through OST Radio Telex service):
;, Activate TOR software on the computer attached to your Marine SSB Radio;
~. type-up and save your message;
* Select a suitable 'free' channel (OST sends a continuous 'channel free' signal on
Ch477, 839, and 72722; and on Ch 7835 between 0700-7900UTC; (not when
engaged in traffic). The 'channel free' signal consists of telex 'chirp, chirp, chirp ... OST'
(i.e., telex 'chirping' (20 bursts) and the callsign 'OST' in slow mOl·se}. If you hear
'chirping' without the morse callsign, the channel is occupied and calls should not be
Call OST using ~RQ Call' and his 'Selcall' Number 0480, or his MMSI
:;. When your system synchronises with the OST automatic telex system, OST will
exchange ~nswer Backs' with you and will send the command GA+?
:;. Send 'DIRTLX057234567+' [i.e -zero country code telex number ... +J
* When connected, OST will send 'MSG+?'
* Request the office ~nswer Back' (to prove you've made the correct contact);
'I-Send your own ~nswer Back';
* Send your message;
" Send your Answer Back;
;< Request the office ~nswer Back' (using the 'WRU -Who Are You 'function on your
telex software -this demands the office back and provides you with proof of delivery);
>I-Send 'KKKK' (to break the landline between OST and the office);
* Receive DatelTimelDurationfrom OST (jor chargingpurposes);
:;. Send 'BRK +' (to BReaK the radio connection with OST).
Instead of Direct Telex connection (DIRTLX051234567+) you could
have used:
- TLX051234567+ (OST would have accepted your message for
'store-and-forward' delivery without waiting for a direct
connection between ship and office). - FAX0044xxxxxxxx+ (OST would have accepted your message
for 'store-and-forward' delivery to the office fax number). - RTL+ (to send a 'Radio Telex Message' - your typed message
posted, by OST, to the 'birthday boy' back home). - OBS+ (to deliver your 'weather OBServation' message to the
'metea' office in Brussels. - INF+ (to receive up-to-date service INFormation from Oostende