Web User - UK (2019-10-02)

(Antfer) #1
66 2 - 15 October 2019

Create cut-and-paste contact


I belong to a local club made up of
just over 20 members. Emailing
them indi vidually is a pain, as is
manually adding 20 people to the
‘To’ box when trying to combine them
into one email. I wondered whether
there is a way to create a group so I can
add them collectively to the recipients
box? I am using the Mail app in
Windows 10.
T Bloom, via email


Windows 10’s Mail app isn’t
designed for emailing large groups
of people. Microsoft reasons that it’s
normally businessesthat do that sort of
thing, so it only built the option into
Microsoft Office. You can use the Mail
Merge tool in Word and link it to a
contacts list, then Microsoft Outlook
would extract each contact and send
the email to them.
The Mail app doesn’ t do this, but
there is a way aroundthe problem for
small groups of people. Open the Mail
app and create a new email, then click

inside the ‘To’ box and either type the
email address of each personyou want
to send the email to or select them from
your contacts.
When everyone has been added, click
inside the ‘To’ box and press Ctrl+A
followed by Ctrl+C to copy everyone to
the clipboard. Open OneNote, Notepad
or some other text app and press Ctrl+V
to paste all the recipients and save the
OneNote note or Notepad file.
Now, the next time you want to email
the samegroup of people, open the
note or file, copy all the text, click inthe
‘To’ box and press Ctrl+V to paste in all
the recipients. It is quick and easy.
Bear in mind that entering all the


My emails are limited to about 40
words, in both Gmail and Hotmail.
Can you help?
Ken Ramsey, via email


This puzzled us for a whil e, until
we realised that the text of your
email was actually written in the
subject field and not the body. The
subject box – positioned below the
‘To’ field, where you put the address
of the personyou’re emailing, but
above the main message area where
you write the body of your email –
accept s only a limited numberof
charac ters.
Go to your inbox and, depending on
which email softwareor webmail
you’re using, you’ll see the list of

Writelonger emails


There are two text areas in anemail message but the
subject area is only designed to hold a short heading

Ask the Expert

Roland Waddilove, computer programmer and PC

journalist since 1981, an swers all your technical qu estions.

Email us for help at [email protected]

emails only displays
around10 words of the
subject field. The rest is
hiddenuntil you open
the email, at which
point the full subj ect
line will be displayed.
Most people rarely use
more than 10 words,
anyway. Conversel y,
the body of an email
can contain as many
words as you want.
Technically, there may
be a limit, but we’ve
never reached it.
When writing an email,
enter a short subject consisting of up to
10 words, then click inthe main

Copy a list of email addresses from the Bcc field and paste them to a text file to use later

recipients’ addressesin the ‘To’ box
means that everyone can see all the
other recipients’ email addresses. To
respect everyone’s privacy, it’s best to
address the email to yourself, then click
‘Cc & Bcc’ and paste all the names into
the ‘Bcc’ box. This means that everyone
will receive the email but they won’t be
able to see anyone else’s email address.

Stopworryingabout spam


I get about 100 spam emails a day
from ‘[email protected]’ and
[email protected]’, where the ‘xxxx’ is
differen t in each email. I use Outlook
and I have tried to set up the filter

message area below and type as many
words as you need.
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