Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1


(Jer 2:4; 5:20; 9:3[Eng 9:4]; 10:16, 25; 30:7, 10 [2x], 18; 31:7, 11; 33:26;
46:27 [2x], 28; 51: 19), where reference in some cases appears ( origi-
nally) to have been only to Northern Israel and in some cases to "all
Israel." In 30:7 and 18 "Jacob" denotes the "remnant of all Israel," i.e.,
3) 30:11: "For I am with you." See Isa 43:5, but this preeminent biblical
promise is found in Jeremiah (Jer 1:8, 19; 15:20; 42:11; 46:28) and
throughout the OT.
4) 30: 14, 15: "Because your iniquity was much (rob), your sins were numer-
ous ('a$emu)." See Isa 47:9: "with your many (berob) sorceries and with
the exceeding greatness (be'a$emat) of your enchantments."
5) 30:16: "into captivity (they) shall go." See Isa 46:2, but the expression
occurs also in Jer 20:6 and 22:22.
6) 30: 17: "For they have called you an outcast: 'That Zion Whom No One
Cares About.'" The giving of embellished names in order to disparage
occurs in Isa 60: 14; 62:4, and 12 but also in Jer 46: 17 ("Call the name
of Pharaoh, king of Egypt: 'Loud Noise, Who Lets the Deadline
7) 30: 19: "From them thanksgiving (Wda) shall go forth and the sound
(weq6l) of merrymakers." See Isa 51:3c.
8) 30:24: "the burning anger of Yahweh does not turn back (lo> yasub) un-
til it does ('asot6) and until it fulfills the purposes of his heart." See Isa
9) 31:7: "Cry (ronnu) with gladness for Jacob and scream over The Head
of the Nations." See Isa 44:23; 49: 13; 52:9; and 54: I. The common term
here is the verb rnn ("to cry out"), which appears elsewhere in Jere-
miah (Jer 31:12; 51:48).
10) 31:8: "Look I will bring (me bf>) them from the land of the north
(me>ere$ $ap6n), And I will gather them from remote parts (mfyyarkete)
of the earth." Compare Isa 43:6 and 49:12. But the language here,

"bring ... (land of) the north ... remote parts," is more likely that of

Jeremiah, this statement being a reversal of the one in Jer 6:22. See also
Jer 25:32 and 50:41.
11) 31 :9: "I will bring them to streams of water." A similar image appears in
Isa 49: I 0, but this too is more likely a reversal of the image used in Jere-
miah's oracle against Philistia (Jer 47:2).
12) 31:10: "coastlands/islands" ('fyyfm). See Isa 4I:I, 5; 42:4, 10, 12; 49:I;
51:5; although the term occurs also in Jeremiah (Jer 2:10; 25:22; and
13) 3 l:l 0: "as a shepherd (keeps) his flock." See Isa 40: I I. The image of "a
shepherd and his flock ('eder)" is found also in Jeremiah (Jer 6:3;
I4) 3l:ll-13: "ransom/redeem" (pdh), "be glad, make glad" (sm~), "joy"
(sa86n), and "sorrow" (yag6n). See Isa 5I:3, II; 60:20; 61:3 (cf. Ludwig
1968: 537 n. 35). All, however, are well-attested Jeremiah words.
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