Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Book of the Covenant (30:1-31:40) 373

15) 31: 11: "redeem" (g'l); a favorite Second Isaiah word but occurring also
in Jer 50:34.
16) 31:12: "be radiant" (nhr). See the usage in Isa 60:5.
17) 31: 12: "And their soul shall become like a saturated garden." See Isa
58: 11, but the verb rwh ("to saturate") is attested elsewhere in Jeremiah
(Jer 31:14, 25; 46:10).
18) 31:14: "And I will saturate the soul of the priests with abundance."
Priestly restoration is present in Isa 61:6 and 66:21.
19) 31:14: "being sated (sb') with Yahweh's goodness (tub)." See Isa 58:11;
63:7; 66:11. But Yahweh's "goodness" is a theme found also in Hosea
and Jeremiah (see below).
20) 31:16: "For there is a reward for your labor." See Isa 40: I 0 and 62: 11.
21) 31:23: "O holy mountain." Compare "my holy mountain" in Isa 56:7;
57:13; 65:11, 25; 66:20. The expression "his holy abode" (me'on qodso)
occurs in Jer 25:30.
22) 31:33: "I will put my law in their inward parts." "My law" (t6ratf) ap-
pears in Isa 51:7 but also occurs often in the Jeremiah prose (Jer
9:12[Eng 9:13); 16:11; 26:4; 44:10). See also "law of Yahweh" in Jer 8:8.
23) 31:34: "and their sin I will not remember again." See Isa 43:25.
24) 31:35: "(The one) who stirs up the sea so its waves roar, Yahweh of
hosts is his name." Duplicated exactly in Isa 51:15.

B. Jeremiah 30-31 and Hosea
I) 30: IO and elsewhere in chaps. 30-31: "return, repent" (sub). The verb
appears often in Hosea (22x) but is a signature verb in Jeremiah ( 11 lx),
found throughout the book (K. Gross 1930: 18; Holladay 1958).
2) 30:13, 17: "heal, healing" (rp'). See Hos 5:13; 6:1; 7:1; 11:3; 14:5[Eng
14:4). K. Gross (1930: 10, 16; 1931: 246-47) finds considerable lan-
guage of sickness and healing in both Hosea and Jeremiah. See also Jer
4:19; 6:7, 24; 8:18, 21, 22; 10:19; 14:17, 19; 15:18; 17:14; 30:12-17; and
33:6 (cf. Muilenburg 1970b: 45-48).
3) 30:13: "sore/wound" (mazor). See Hos 5:13 (2x).
4) 30:14: "your lovers" (me'ahabayik) with reference to a military foe; cf.
Jer 22:20, 22. In Hos 2:7-15[Eng 2:5-13), "lovers" are the false gods; in
8:9-10, they are Assyria and other nations who will become Israel's
military foes.
5) 30:18 and throughout chaps. 30-33: "I will (surely) restore the(ir) for-
tunes." See Hos 6:11, although this may be a later addition.
6) 31:2: the theme of God's grace (f:ien) that come to the covenant people
in the wilderness. See Hos 2:16[Eng 2:14); 9:10; 13:5.
7) 31:3: Lhe theme of God's love ('ahaba) for his people. See Hos 3:1;
11:1, 4; 14:5[Eng 14:4).
8) 31:3: the theme of "steadfast love/faithfulness" (f:iesed). Reference here
is to God's "faithful" leading of Israel along, but usually in Hosea and

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