How To Be An Agnostic

(coco) #1
Further Reading and References

2. Cosmic Religion: How Science Does God

Newton: The Making of Genius, by Patricia Fara is published by Picador
Leibniz makes this attack on Newton in a letter to Caroline of
The quote from Milton’s Paradise Regained is in Book IV, 1.330.
A few paragraphs from the section headed ‘Alchemy’s inheritors’ was pre-
viously in an article for Big Questions Online (www. bigquestionsonline.
com), a publication of the John Templeton Foundation.
Steven Weinberg makes his comments about meaning in the Epilogue of
his book The First Three Minutes, published by Basic Books (1993); and
his comments about a theory of everything in Chapter X of Dreams
of a Final Theory: The Scientist’s Search for the Ultimate Laws of Nature,
published by Vintage (1994). I also spoke with Weinberg to clarify his
views in 2008.
The views of Martin Rees I gathered in an interview conducted in 2008.
The views of Roger Penrose I gathered in an interview also conducted
in 2008. He writes about his Platonism in The Emperor’s New Mind,
published by Oxford University Press (1999), as well as in other
publications since.
The quote from Michel Heller’s The Comprehensible Universe, published
by Springer (2008), is found in the Afterthoughts section, ‘The Mind
of God and the Mind of Man’.
Paul Davies’ The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for
Life? is published by Allen Lane (2006). The long quote comes from
Chapter 8, the section headed ‘The laws of physics might be just local
I interviewed Trinh Xuan Thuan in 2008, and his views are discussed
at length in The Quantum and the Lotus, a dialogue between him and
Matthieu Ricard, published by Three Rivers Press (2001). The long
quote of Ricard is in Chapter 9, Chaos and Harmony.
The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics
and Eastern Mysticism by Fritjof Capra is published in a 35th anni-
versary edition by Shambhala (2010). The fi rst long quote is in the
preface to the fi rst edition. The second quote referencing Heisenberg
and the third quote discussing replacement are in the last chapter
‘The Future of the New Physics’.
The Universe Story: From the Promordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic
Era – A Celebration of the Unfolding of the Cosmos by Brian Swimme
and Thomas Berry is published by HarperOne (1994). He made his
pithy comments, quoted here, in an interview with Robert Wright for

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