Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

yearning; wishful with a hint of sadness
As he thought of his lost love, William whistled a wistful melody and drank a
bottle of her perfume.


of or pertaining to golly-gee-whillikers


anger; rage
Elmer Fudd is full of wrath at that wrathcally wabbit that keeps eating his


Sorry, there are no SAT words that begin with X.



Well, we didn’t want to cop out for two letters in a row!

An Avuncular Vendetta (or I’m Hungry, You Vile


My uncle’s verbose, vacuous speeches terrified and bored his enemies. Certain
vindictive individuals have attempted to vilify his reputation by insisting that he
was a vulnerable wimp, but he has always managed to vindicate himself by
vehemently verifying the veracity of his claims of courage.
Anyway, one day while my uncle was vacillating over a choice of beverages,
Victor Ventura burst in on him, extremely vexed. “I consider you a vile swine,
and in the future I will not hesitate to spray you with vermicide,” he said.

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