Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

“Pray tell,” said my uncle, “what is the cause of your vexation?”
“I came here with a voracious appetite,” replied Victor, “and on a whim you
denied me any food, you wretched worm.”
“Wow,” said my uncle wistfully, “you may as well spare me your wrath,
because I don’t have anything yummy to offer you.”





full of zeal
The zealous seal spun the ball with zeal.


peak; summit; acme (see NADIR, zenith’s antonym)
If the Zenith company could invent a TV that would change channels
automatically whenever a show started getting stupid, that would be the zenith of
television technology.


gusto; happy and vivacious enjoyment
If you use Zest soap, you will feel full of zest for the rest of the day. You will
also feel clean.


any of various tropical weevils of the genus Zyzzyva, often destructive to
Who cares about zyzzyvas? You are done with the word list. Congratulations!
Think of all the words you know now that you didn’t know before. Good work.
You are going to rock the Reading Test.

A Final Poem

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