
(ff) #1

smart & speedy

5 one tray dinners

Zesty chicken tray bake

» Brilliant for healthy digestion
WHAT TO DO Heat the oven to 220°C, Gas 7. Put 1 red
onion, cut into wedges, 1 butternut squash, cut into
chunks, 1 chopped red pepper, 1 chopped yellow pepper
and 1 chopped courgette in a roasting tray and season.
Add 3 unpeeled garlic cloves and spray with low-cal
cooking spray. Top the veg with 8 skinless, boneless
chicken thighs, rubbed with 1tbsp all-purpose seasoning,
and roast for 25 mins. Peel and mash the garlic and mix
with the zest and juice of 1 lemon, 2tsp
mustard and a handful of chopped
parsley. Pour over the chicken and
vegetables and cook for 10 mins.
WHy iT WOrKS Butternut
squash is packed with fibre,
helping to promote good bacteria
and keep your gut healthy.

Miso salmon
tray bake

» Brilliant for boosting brain power
WHAT TO DO Heat the oven to 200°C, Gas 6. Arrange 500g
sliced sweet potato, 2 crushed garlic cloves and 2 sliced heads of
fennel in an ovenproof dish. Mix 2tbsp miso paste with 500ml
boiling water and pour over the vegetables. Top with 4 lightly
smoked salmon fillets and a chopped red onion and drizzle
over 4tbsp tamari, then bake for 25 mins. Cut off 2 slices of
lemon, halve each slice and arrange on top of the salmon.
Squeeze over the lemon juice, add 200g cherry tomatoes and
sprinkle over 100g kale, then cook for 5 mins more.
WHy iT WOrKS Salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids – one of
the most beneficial nutrients for memory and brain health. Compiled by

Jessica Findlay


These healthy meals let the oven do all the hard work!

341 calories
10g fat (2.5g sat)
35g carbs
Prep time 5 mins
Cook time 30 mins
Serves 4

290 calories
2.5g fat (1g sat)
23g carbs
Prep time 15 mins
Cook time 35 mins
Serves 4

L ow sat fatLow proteinHigh

(^3) fat
sat fat
2 protein

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