
(ff) #1

Eat WEll

Spicy Caribbean


» Brilliant for a lower-fat

WHAT TO DO Heat the oven to 200°C,
Gas 6. Put 1 chopped red onion, 12
chicken chipolata sausages, 1 mango,
cut into chunks, and 1 red or yellow
pepper, cut into chunks, in a baking tray.
Add 1tbsp olive oil and 2tsp jerk seasoning
and toss to mix. Roast in the oven for 20 mins.
Add a 400g can of tomatoes and a Knorr Vegetable Stock Pot
mixed with 200ml water. Stir to mix and cook for 15 mins more.
Scatter over a handful of chopped parsley to serve.
WHy iT WOrKS Chicken chipolata sausages contain less than
1g of saturated fat per sausage, which is less than a quarter of that
found in regular pork sausages.

halloumi bake

» Brilliant for multivitamins
without the supplements
WHAT TO DO Preheat oven to 200°C,
Gas 6, and put 2 chopped red peppers ,
1 chopped aubergine, 2 peeled and
chopped sweet potatoes, 1 sliced
courgette and 2tsp fennel seeds in a
roasting tin. Drizzle with 1tbsp olive oil, season,
then mix everything together. Roast for 30 mins. Add 120g
red split lentils and 700ml vegetable stock. Cook for 20
mins more. Set the grill to high. Lay 250g sliced reduced-fat
halloumi on top of the vegetables and grill for 8 mins until
golden. Sprinkle with a handful of fresh parsley.
WHy iT WOrKS Each serving of this veggie supper
contains 3 portions of your 5 a day, providing a range of
vitamins including vitamins A, B1, B6, C and K.

Baked Mediterranean cod

» Brilliant for glowing skin and healthy hair
WHAT TO DO Heat the oven to 200°C, Gas 6. Line a large
roasting tin with baking parchment. Spread 1 sliced courgette,
1 red pepper and 1 yellow pepper, both deseeded and cut
into wedges, 1 chopped red onion and 1 chopped aubergine
in the roasting tin and squirt a few times with Frylight
cooking spray. Roast for 10 mins. Top with 2 x 125g cod fillets,
season generously with salt and ground black pepper, then
sprinkle over the finely grated zest and juice
of 1 lemon, 1 crushed garlic clove and a
few sprigs of thyme. Squirt with a little
more Frylight, then roast for 7 mins.
Top with 8 cherry tomatoes and roast
for 3 mins more, to warm through.
WHy iT WOrKS As well as being a
low-fat source of protein, white fish
provides selenium, which works with
vitamin B to strengthen cell membranes.

387 calories
12g fat (6g sat)
37g carbs
Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 60 mins
Serves 4

210 calories
2.5g fat (0.7g sat)
15g carbs
Prep time 5 mins
Cook time 20 mins
Serves 2

374 calories
20g fat (6g sat)
24g carbs
Prep time 10 mins
Cook time 35 mins
Serves 4


L ow

L ow



L ow

sat fat
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