Yoga Journal Singapore — April-May 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


april / may 2017


By Reuben Oh

Asia’s first fitness and wellness awards ceremony will be

held in Singapore in May 2017 to recognise the biggest

names in Yoga, and beyond. Read to the bottom to see

how you can vote for your favorite candidate.

Singapore hosts Fitness Best Asia Awards 2017

Look out yogis and yoginis, the inaugural Fitness Best Asia Awards is here!
It is the first fitness awards ceremony of its kind in the region, and it aims
to bring the fitness community together to celebrate the top achievers in
the fitness world. Ever wanted to recognize your instructors and studios
for all the hard work they put into elevating your lifestyle? You can vote for
your favorites in a wide range of fitness and wellness categories. To ensure
a fair process, the team behind the ceremony, a local sports marketing
event company, amc experience!, has gathered eight experts from various
fitness arms of the industry to judge the competition.


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