
(Greg DeLong) #1


may/june 2015


“ Don’t let me miss this
moment, but be present
so I can learn and grow”

In deep Corn's athletic body
and blond curls belie
a deep inner spirituality

I don’t want people walking out of my class
thinking ‘I love my body’ – but rather ‘I love
my life’. Even during conflict, they recognise
that they are being divinely guided and there
is opportunity for growth. And the prayer is
this; don’t let me miss this moment, but be
present so I can learn and grow – not in
spite of it, but because of it.”

For information on OTM’s leadership
programs and online training, visit

yj43_30-35_FEA seane corne.indd 35 31/03/2015 8:50 am

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