
(Steven Felgate) #1

Yoga Courses & Sports

Massage Therapy Training

By Dawn Morse MSc

[email protected]

+44(0) 7887 535766

Yoga CPD Courses

& Workshops Include:

Anatomy for Yoga
The Science of Stretching
Yoga Science and Back Pain

Courses open to all including
Yoga Teachers, Students &

Please get in touch
if you have any questions

FINAL Om Yoga magazine 2017 Core Elements.pdf 1 18/12/2016 12:46

be that everything is allowed to be there. Of
course, you can say that as a teacher, but
if you don’t know what that really means
(i.e. you haven’t done the work yourself), the
words are empty and meaningless and your
students will feel that on a deeper level.
Please note, there is a significant
difference between holding the space for
someone, or a group of people, and the
need to solve people’s problems. That is
something you shouldn’t need to do - and
moreover may not be qualified to do.
I believe it’s actually much more powerful
to just listen, to be there and hold that
space, perhaps asking some open questions
so students can have their own insights
and find their own solutions when and if it’s
their time. But when your aim as a teacher
is to try and fix things instead of just being
with them, in essence what you’re saying is:
‘make it go away please’, which is exactly the
opposite of the message that it’s okay to
feel as you feel.
Of course, you may meet the occasional
student that needs more help. In this case,
it’s helpful to know a specialist beforehand
that you trust and can refer them to, if
One of the most important things is to
stop being afraid of feeling. Start being
curious and interested in your emotional
life. Not the stories that you attach to it,
but the pure, raw emotions and the physical
sensations that belong to it.
By looking openly and honestly at your
own emotional issues and learning to hold
the space for others to do the same, you’ll
be better equipped to begin the journey of
becoming a heartfelt, wise, authentic yoga
teacher for your future students.

Esther Ekhart is the founder of the online
global community

need to be open to looking at your own
unresolved issues, feeling the pain without
trying to ‘fix’ anything. Simply being with
the pure raw emotions and the physical
sensations that you experience in your body,
without getting caught up in the stories.
The stories can get complicated and messy
and re-traumatise you. But you can learn
to stay present in the moment, with your
breath, while sitting with the physical feelings,
giving them space and being compassionate
towards what it is you are experiencing.
Eventually you will integrate these feelings
and deal with them constructively. This will be
a huge relief, and it will make you feel whole
again. Then, you have something real to give
to your students.
And don’t be mistaken – your students
will intuitively feel whether you are capable
of sitting with your own pain and thus theirs.
When students intuitively feel you can’t be
that person for them they most likely won’t
go down that path, they’ll feel unsafe with
you. This way, students will be missing out
on a lot.
The intuitive ‘knowing’ that they are
with someone who can provide that space
for them to slowly unwind and allow their
vulnerability to arise when it’s their time to
let go of ‘old stuff’, will help them slowly
integrate all their different, repressed parts.
When they start to feel whole again they’ll
tap into an effortless happiness that has
always been there (it was just covered up).
Isn’t that what we all want?

Learning to listen
So, the most important work for you as a
yoga teacher is to transform the class you
teach into a ‘safe place’. A safe place for
your students to explore their body, mind
and emotions. I believe that the underlying
energy and message in a yoga class should

om yoga teacher training guide

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