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Develop good habits as you gear up for teacher training. By Carolyn Clarke


ou want to become a yoga teacher because you have
found benefit from the practice and you want to pass
that on. So, underpin your preparation with that in mind.
Maintain your own practice: it will help to keep you
grounded and focused.
Smile and be happy: you have chosen to take this path so set the
mental strategy of it being a blessing and not a chore.
Visit other teachers and broaden your horizons: go to yoga
events and explore a variety of styles.
Prepare for a marathon! Eat well: you will need extra energy for
a course where you are learning four new languages – the language
of teaching, body alignment reading, Latin muscle names in your
anatomy training and the yoga speak language of Sanskrit.
Feng Shui your busy life: create space and streamline your days
so you have time to learn and enjoy your course. Get rid of some
activities if you can and replace them with others that lead to your
study and practice. Find out how much home study is expected and
don’t forget to stay playful.
Set a new habit: do it now. Homework, study and practice on a
course is for your progress, so begin the habit of getting something
done sooner rather than later.
Choose to go on the internet for a given length of time
and then stop at the end of that time: get used to having that
discipline. This will give you the power to keep to deadlines later.

Encourage family, friends and partner support: you will need
their help over the coming months. Help them see this training as a
lifelong development. They may let you practice on them but don’t
become a yoga bore.
A book in the hand is worth two sites on the net: get the book
list for the course and add them to your for birthday/Christmas list
or shop for second hand. Begin to browse through them rather than
coming to them ‘new’ when the course starts. Remember that not
everything you read on the internet is true, so get used to diving into
a book for reference.
n Purchase a spare hard-drive or large memory stick so that you
can always back up your work.
n Begin to play around on Excel spreadsheets or with tables on your
computer – the easier the format of these feels to you, the better

  • you will need these when you start to plan classes and courses.
    n Buy sturdy files that won’t fall apart: they will be stuffed full with
    loads of information.
    n Resist taking on more than one course at a time: finish what you
    start and consolidate learning before heading into the next thing.
    Patience is necessary in all good teachers.
    n Meditate, breathe and remember that you will not be training to be
    superwoman or superman, just a super yoga teacher.

Carolyn Clarke, education manager at




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