Golf World UK - August 2017

(Ann) #1
August 2017Golf World 23

Set up with your
feet just under
apart. Play the
ball towards the
middle of your
stance and lean
the shaft ever so
slightly towards
the target.

Keep your
wrist hinge to a
minimum as you
swing the club
away by rotating
your upper body.
This will help you
turn through the
ball without
having to worry
about releasing
the hands.

Turn your chest
through towards
your target while
remaining centred
over the ball.
As your skills
progress, you can
vary the speed of
your rotation to
hit shots of
differing lengths
and spins.

Try to swing
through into a
position where
your body and
clubshaft point
towards the
target. The
grooves on the
clubface should
be facing more
towards the sky
than the ground.


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