MaximumPC 2006 01

(Dariusz) #1




iruses. Worms. Trojans. Bummer. But
that’s life: The best things, including
drag racing, sex, and the Internet,
aren’t without their dangers. That’s why
we’ve got airbags, condoms, and antivirus
applications. You’re on your own with the
first two, but Maximum PC put its rigs on the
line to suss out the software that lets you
surf, download, and email with confidence.

Forty bucks buys you antivirus protection,
email-attachment scanning, spyware detec-
tion, real-time, on-the-fly security alerts,
and one year of daily virus-signature and
program updates in McAfee’s VirusScan
2006. This includes monitoring your system
for suspicious activity, such as behaviors
indicative of worm and hostile-script activity.
After a swift and painless installation
(unfortunately, registration is required to

receive pro-
gram updates),
VirusScan com-
pleted its survey
of our test system
in a somewhat
sluggish 41
minutes. But up
against Maximum
PC’s Payload
of Misfortune™—a bundle of 12 viruses,
worms, downloaders, and Trojans—McAfee
nailed the lot of them. It also detected the
two spyware spooks, but was only able to
remove one of them on its own.
One of the highlights of McAfee
VirusScan 2006 is protection from what
McAfee calls PUPs—potentially unwanted
programs. It’s very effective. We installed
the application first and then busted out
with our payload again, and VirusScan
2006 flagged all of our Internet cooties
and blocked their
installation. On the
other hand, it also
proved to be a bit on
the hysterical side,
frequently sounding
the alarm on game
and application
demos, and even
PUPs we had previ-
ously authorized.
We’re delighted to
report that McAfee’s
VirusScan 2006 is a
competent Internet
cootie blocker, but
even in this respect,
it’s still playing catch-
up with Symantec’s
somewhat more
sophisticated and
comprehensive appli-
cation, and it still
doesn’t stand out as a great value com-
pared with free antivirus and anti-spyware
mercenaries like AVG and Spybot.

Like McAfee’s VirusScan 2006, Norton
AntiVirus 2006 installed without undue
agony, and a relatively swift 28-minute initial
scan alerted us to all 12 of the Payload of

Misfortune™ rogues. Purging unwelcome
spyware guests proved to be a challenge,
however, as both pieces of spyware had
to be removed manually with help from the
Symantec website.
NAV 2006 also monitors email attach-
ments, keeps an eye out for spyware and
unauthorized installations, and can be con-
figured to update itself automatically, just
like McAfee’s app. But NAV 2006 shows
more polish and foresight than VirusScan
before you even install the application. The
installation disc is bootable, giving you a
clean environment to start with if you’ve got
a serious problem on your hands; McAfee’s
VirusScan 2006, on the other hand, requires
you to make rescue discs instead. And
Norton’s real-time PC cop guarding our
test system was far less jumpy than the
one offered by VirusScan 2006, alerting us
only when we had a genuine ITD (Internet
transmitted disease). AntiVirus 2006 also
required fewer reboots throughout our test
period, and offers browser hijack protec-
tion, a curious omission in its competi-
tor. The clincher is that, on top of all this,
Norton AntiVirus 2006 is lighter on CPU and
memory usage than VirusScan.
We could have done without the Security
Center, which, as in McAfee’s product, is
just an advertisement for other products;
and more effective removal tactics would be
welcome. But hey, that’s something to look
forward to in 2007.

Antivirus Arm Wrestle

Symantec or McAfee—who yields the better shield?

Although most intruders are halted at the gate, Norton requires a
visit to the Symantec website to remove the most tenacious viruses
and worms.

It’s very annoying that those yellow and red bars in the
SecurityCenter just indicate that you haven’t purchased
other McAfee utilities.


Effective protection against
Internet nasties.

Redundant PUP alerts; fre-
quent reboots required.



Bootable disc, browser
hijack protection, keen eye
for viruses and worms.
Failed to successfully
remove some infections,
annoying Security Center.

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