MaximumPC 2006 01

(Dariusz) #1
$50,, ESRB: T




f you are relatively new to strategy gaming
and you’re a history buff, Age of Empires
III is a no-brainer: It’s just about the most
gorgeous period RTS you’re going to find,
and its rock-solid gameplay will haunt your
waking hours. If you’ve been around the
RTS block a few times, however—specifi-
cally Ensemble Studios’ block, with AOE I
and II—you’re likely to be a bit disappointed
with this latest installment.
The game tracks the exploits of the Black
family as it explores the New World over a
period of 200 years. It begins with Maltese
knight Morgan Black in the 17th century,
picks up 100 years later with Black’s explorer
grandson, and wraps up with the spotlight
on Black’s great-great granddaughter in the
Industrial Age. Essentially, you trade in the
swords and pageantry of Age of Kings for
muskets, cannons, and mortars.
The story, told Warcraft III-style, features
in-game cinematics before and after mis-
sions. Hero characters lead troops in battle
and gain experience points that can be spent
on valuable resources down the road. The
gameplay is of the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix
it” variety: little has changed since AOE II.
Heck, even the AI feels the same. It’s chal-
lenging at times, but a bit anemic overall: The
AI tends to churn out a few units at a time to
harass you, rather than mustering its forces
for concentrated, tactical strikes.
There are some surface-level tweaks, such

as caches of loot that are scattered about
maps that you can “liberate” from their guard-
ians for the good of the home team. And stone
has been eliminated as a resource, leaving just
wood, gold, and food to gather. (The need to
construct resource drop-off points has also

been axed, thankfully.)
By far the most prominent addition is
the somewhat over-hyped Home City, which
acts as a support network throughout the
entire campaign. Your success in a given
mission translates into power for your Home
City, which in turn translates into upgrades
and resources you can call in during the next
mission. These boons come in the form of
playing cards you can use for a quick boost
to a vital resource, such as wood, a squad
of musketeers, or a cannon. And you can
upgrade the looks of your Home City, chang-
ing the appearance of buildings and the types
of people who inhabit it.
While the introduction of Magic the
Gathering-style mechanics into an RTS is
novel, it doesn’t feel like the Home City
element has a major impact on the core
single-player game. Typically, you still need
to build up your army and bases between
missions, and you can’t carry your units
over from one map to the next. The Home
City does have an impact on multiplayer,
however, as it introduces a major wild card
into the mix.
Graphically, there are no nits to pick:
AOE III is easily the most resplendent and
detailed RTS we’ve seen yet. Zoom in on
the action and you’ll continually see new
animations and unit interactions that amaze.
AOE III is also the first RTS to implement the
Havoc physics engine, which translates into
eye-popping building explosions and units
getting tossed about like rag dolls by can-
nonball explosions. Glorious—particularly if
you’ve got a widescreen monitor and the PC
muscle to push the pixels.
Backed by one of the best pedigrees

in the genre, AOE III features ultra-refined
gameplay, balanced units, impressive use of
rag-doll physics, and an interesting narrative.
Unfortunately, other than the extraordinary
graphical makeover, AOE III plays like a
rewarmed AOE II, or any other top RTS these
days. We would have liked to see as much
attention focused on implementing new, inno-
vative gameplay features as was obviously
focused on technical bells and whistles.

Age of

Empires III

Aka “AOE II with Better Graphics”

The settings and units might have changed, but the razing is the same.... This scene
should conjure up some déjà vu for AOE vets.

The Home City gives consistent sup-
port through each Act, and much needed
resources in missions, but it really doesn’t
alter the core gameplay much.


Awesome visuals, strong
story, deep single-player
Core gameplay is very similar
to AOE II, repetitive missions,
and ho-hum AI.

Sea battles are overly simplistic, but they
really showcase the game’s new graphics
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