Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


Happiness toolkit

Welcome to part 2 of our happiness toolkit

  1. Eye Of The Needle

Start lying down on the back. Cross the right ankle over the left thigh.
Keep the right foot flexed, start to draw the legs towards you. Reach
the hands through the gap and hold onto either the back of the left
thigh or the front of the left shin. Draw the shoulders down and keep
the hips in contact with the floor. To deepen, you can use the right
elbow to open the right knee. Repeat on the other side. Complete by
circling the knees a few times in each direction.

  1. Lizard Pose

Remaining in a lunge position, tuck the back toes and lift the back knee.
You can stay here or make your Lizard Pose stronger by bringing the
elbows to the floor. Keep drawing the front knee into the centre line to
avoid it splaying out to the side. The back leg can stay up or you can
bring the knee down to the floor. Take about 5 breaths in your Lizard.
Repeat the Low Lunge, hip circles and Lizard Pose on the other side.
One hip may feel different from the other so you can adapt your
circles accordingly on the other side.

  1. Low Lunge With Hip Circles
    Bring yourself onto all fours and from here step your right foot
    forwards outside your right hand and let the hips sink down towards
    the foot. Keep the arms straight and keep a lot of weight in your hands.
    Begin to circle your hips, taking a few rotations in each direction
    making the rotations fast or slow, big or small, depending on what
    works for your body.

  2. Wide Leg Forward Bend
    Take the feet wide apart and parallel. Folding from the hips bring the
    hands to the floor below your shoulders and with elbows above wrists.
    Press down through the hands and keep the knees engaged.

More poses to lift your mood. Here you will find plenty of hip openers because the hips are a
part of the body that holds a lot of tension, particularly if you have to sit a lot for travelling or
work. Opening your hips can really enhance your mood. Try it for yourself.





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