Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Wide Leg Forward Bend – Interlaced
    Hands Variation
    Interlace your hands behind you and reach the arms up and over to
    open through the chest and collarbones in this variation.

  2. Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend

Sit your hips down onto the floor and straighten the legs out wide
in front of you. Draw the thighs up towards the navel and reach out
through the feet. Bring the chin towards the chest and choose an
option to fold forwards from:

a) take the hands a little further forward

b) bring the forearms to the floor

c) thumbs press towards forehead d) Take hands to outer edge of feet and soften here

  1. Squat
    Bringing the feet a little closer together, lower into a squat for another
    hip opener. If necessary you may lift your heels and/or play with the
    distance between your feet to make this pose work for you.

Continue sequence >>>


7a 7b

7c 7d


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