Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
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Yogi: Sylvia Garcia
Images courtesy of: Movement For Modern
Life (

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  1. Boat Pose – Beginners / More Advanced

Bring the soles of the feet together and, holding onto the big toes,
rock back onto the hips. Keep the chest lifted and the shoulder blades
drawing down and back.

If this is easy for you, then begin to straighten both legs and gaze
upwards towards the ceiling. Check out the video for some fun ways to
transition between 7 & 8.

  1. Downward Facing Dog

Take a few moments in Downward Dog to notice how the feelings in the
body and mind have changed.

  1. Pigeon
    From Down Dog, bring the right knee forward behind the right wrist and
    the right heel under the left hip. Drop the back knee down and bow forward
    over the front knee. If your hips feel tight use a block under your hip. Step
    back into Downward Facing Dog before repeating on the other side.

  2. Reclined Cobblers Pose

Lie flat on your back and bring the soles of the feet together. Allow the
knees to open out towards the side. Reach the arms above your head,
taking hold of opposite elbows and soften down, closing the eyes.

  1. Savasana
    Still flat on your back, straighten the arms and legs and allow them to
    fall outwards slightly. Take as long as you can here to relax every body
    part and thank yourself for the practice, notice how you are feeling and
    bringing your awareness onto something that makes your smile.

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