Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
om body
om body

Child’s Pose with
extra squishiness...
On your knees, place your
folded duvet in front of you
at the right height so you can
comfortably rest your chest on
it, with your bum as far back
towards your heels as it can go.
Find a comfortable place for
your arms and head to rest.
Alternatively, roll the duvet into
a longer tube and straddle the
whole thing; let your body be
heavy and stay for as long as
feels comfortable.

Festive Forward Fold...
Take your legs apart into a
V-shape; not as far as they can
possibly go, but about two-thirds
of the way. Bring your duvet in
towards your pelvis; find the
perfect place and add more
pillows if you think you need
a bit extra support – you can
always remove them as you sink
into the pose and feel you can
go a bit deeper.

Ho-ho-ho for hips...
Roll your duvet into a long
tube again. Bring it around
your lower back, and draw
your feet in towards your pubic
bone. Allow the soles of the
feet to rest together, and pull
the duvet in so that it not only
cradles your lower back, but
also offers support under the
knees. Allow the hips to soften
and the knees to gently rest
deeper into the duvet.
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