Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

yoga for over 10 years through which I was
able to share my own experience with others.
I continue to practice yoga regularly today.
Yoga to me is like coming home — once I
knew yoga there was no going back.”

Yoga & creativity
This yoga background has undoubtedly
filtered through into her work today. “To me
yoga is a state of mind as well as exercise —
it is a collaboration of mind, body and spirit,”
she adds. “As the breath comes in I feel the
subconscious takes over. This is precisely
how I feel when I look at an organic piece of
stone and start to carve it, the subconscious
takes over. Yoga absolutely inspires my
work and creativity in a way that l feel my
sculptures have their own spirit and one
can see the movement and poise in them.
I hope that this spirit inspires in the viewer
the urge to touch and caress the sculptures
with their own hands. In this way through
exhibiting my work I hope to share my
experiences with others.”
Her singular female figures shaped in wire
and moulded in wax are cast in a variety

om spirit

Forward plans
But it has been a long journey, dating back
originally to her childhood in the Middle East
and then her later experiences in the UK.
Ahuva’s family business, specifically the
artistic hub of the Old Truman Brewery

of different bronze finishes and represent
iconic yoga poses. Alongside these active
individual figures, Evolution emphasises
the physical and emotional engagement
of people. Carved in pale green steatite
and cast in bronze, the material is used
to convey the soft curves of the female
physicality, whilst exploring the evolutionary
themes of reproduction, nesting and
“Yoga has always and will always influence
my work. This can most explicitly be seen
through my Movement series of the female
form in various positions and poses, but also
in my more abstract Evolution and Fossil
series which also play more subtly with the
human form, while my facial sculptures
respond to the spiritual wellbeing that I
gain through practicing yoga. My sculptures
reflect various experiences in my life, from
the physical, practicing yoga, pregnancies,
births, motherhood, to the emotional,
fears, family, hopes and aspirations.
If people seeing my work can find a
connection with just one of my sculptures
then I am very happy.”
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