Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om spirit

filling yourself with everything you need in
this moment: security, safety, purpose and
focus. After a while, imagine a white light of
energy coming down from above the crown of
your head and flowing through your body and
spine, through the cords and into the ground.
Imagine this as deep connected healing
energy from above which is also connecting
you with the Earth below. Imagine the two
flows of energy – from the Earth and from
the universe above the crown of your head.
Be here as long as you feel is necessary,
and when you are ready come out of the
meditation in your own way, and open your
eyes, feeling more connected to the Earth
and the life around you than ever before.

I am,
I am safe,
I am grounded,
I am secure in this world,
I act from a secure foundation positively.

Chanting seed sounds requires you to
‘sound’ the word inside your body and aim
the sound at the Chakra or part of the body
associated with the sound. Seed sounds
stimulate and shake up the energy of the
Chakra in the aim to open them and balance
them. Mudras using hand gestures are also
said to stimulate the energy of the Chakra.
You can chant these in the postures whist
visualising the colour associated with it, or as
a meditation with the mudra.
Sound for Muladhara: LAM

right to exist and contribute to the world. It
helps us be motivated and to get up in the
morning and connects you like roots to your
daily life and events. When this Chakra is
balanced you are grounded and enjoy life
without being too attached to material things.
You feel secure in yourself and in the world
around you, as a person, rather than due
to the material items you possess, although
you do invite easily material success too
when this is in balance. When this Chakra is
imbalanced and has a lack of energy it needs
stimulated and bringing out more. If you have
a lack of energy here you may struggle to
be motivated, cling to tasks of the day, over
work yet still be poor, or have an excessive
fear of poverty. When imbalanced the Root
Chakra can influence a person to have the
symptoms of: depression, constipation,
fatigue, sciatica, over materialism,
attachment to the physical, over-working and
stress related issues. Here in the Muladhara
resides the Kundalini life force of energy and
it waits to be liberated.

Sun Salutations, Tree Posture, Warrior 3,
Garland Pose, Eagle Pose, Janusirsasana.

Grounding Meditation:
Close your eyes in your seated meditative
pose with the base of the spine in connection
to the Earth and your spine upright. Focus
on your breathing for a little while and the
breath up and down the spinal cord. After a
while start to visualise some gentle cords tied
around each of your ankles and connecting
you to the Earth. Imagine these cords are
going deep into the floor and below into
the Earth as deep as you can imagine.
Imagine that these cords in turn tie to huge
boulders in the centre of the Earth, helping
you feel very safe and secure as you sit
in your meditation. Next, imagine that you
have another invisible cord connecting your
tailbone to the Earth and being tied around
a huge boulder, which make you feel even
more connected with the Earth and to the
world above. As you sit in this visualisation
imagine the colour of the Earth in all its
reddish browns, green or other colours
you would like to represent the Earth. Then
imagine these colours travelling up through
the cords, bringing the Earth energy into your
body and filling your whole body with this
wonderful grounding energy. Sit here a while

Mudra: Place your first finger and thumb
together and place on your lap or knees as
you sit in meditation posture.

Crystals have ancient healing energy and
power for the Chakras. To use them with your
Chakras all you need to do is carry them on
your person in some way. Also, relaxing with
the crystal placed on or near the Chakra
location is very balancing.
Crystals/Stones: All red gemstones such as
Ruby and Garnet, Hematite, and Obsidian.

Essential oils can be used by adding to a little
milk (so that the oil mixes in) and adding to
your bath water, in oil burners, on your pillow
for bedtime, on a handkerchief to carry with
you, or even in foods/water (under expert
guidance only). Sense of smell is the first
sense we are born with which make it one of
the most powerful senses to use in healing.
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Rosemary, Ylang-
ylang, Myrrh, Frankincense and Sandalwood.

Work with these yoga postures, techniques
and with the additional supports over the
next month and many insights into your own
Root Chakra energy and the lessons you are
to learn there will be revealed.

Sarah Swindlehurst/Mulliner is the
founder of The Yogic Prescription
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