Om Yoga Magazine — January 2018

(Ron) #1

Crescent Lunge (Alanasana )

The kinder sibling of Warrior 1 and a common connector between
postures, Crescent Lunge can be very adaptable towards addressing
different focuses to serve the changing needs of our practice. This
ranges from heart opening, strengthening the quads and glutes,
stretching the hip flexors, hamstrings and groin, to developing lower
spine stability, improving balance and inner focus.

Common Mistakes
We tend to be preoccupied with only what is in front of us. This
usually manifests in our subconscious habit to lean forwards in this
posture, displacing the head and tailbone off our natural plumb line.
For the same reason, the back foot can also be overlooked where
the pinky toe is lifted, causing the big toe to bear additional stress.

Be mindful of keeping the front big toe in view from inside the
front knee at all times and always return to your breath whilst in
Alanasana. Ground the feet through your inhale and sigh yourselves
into a deeper stretch.



n To create a generous spinal extension, allow the reach of your
arms to begin from the waistline towards the most gradual
curvature across body. In short, iron out the muffin tops or love
handles, particularly in the lower back and the neck!

n To minimise the occasional wobbles, draw your belly into the
spine as you direct both the front knee and the back heel away
from each other. Magnetise your inner thighs together as they
are internally rotated and encourage particularly the front big
toe to ground.

David Kam is an
international movement
artist and yoga teacher
who guides people
towards rediscovering
their inner athletic artists
through joy in movement
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