Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

And I think this comes out in my
classes,” she says with a warm smile.

Canvassing a career
in the yoga industry
For Mandy, the move from CEO of a
boutique recruitment firm to general
manager at BodyMindLife “happened
quite serendipitously”. After
resigning from her CEO position, she
was searching for a career “that
incorporated more of me — my
values, my yoga and my desire to do
more than just drive profit — whilst
still working within a business
framework. I’ve been an active
participant of the BodyMindLife
community for nearly 10 years, so
taking on the role of general manager
seemed like the perfect next step.”

Body, Mind, Life
Mandy speaks passionately about her
role. In the four years she has been
working for the business (teaching
for four and managing for two), she’s
witnessed huge transformations.
They’ve grown from operating two
studios to four, now running more
than 400 classes a week. And as the
warm-hearted yogi she is, Mandy
puts this success down to the people.
She says, “We’re all super passionate
about what we do and we want to
create a really special experience for
students who walk through the door.”
And the transformations don’t end
there. BodyMindLife’s teacher
trainings are facilitated by a range of
expert teachers, offering a
smorgasbord of styles and teaching
perspectives, giving the studios a
reputation that attracts world-class
yoga teachers, “In November we were
the first studio outside the US to host
Maty Ezraty’s 100-hour teacher
training, and next year we’ll be
holding advanced YTT modules with
the likes of Simon Park and Annie
So, how do you go from being a
busy full-time mother and CEO who
would rather sit all day than move
their body? For Mandy, it’s all about
commitment to the baby steps.
“Transformation is about the small,
daily practices and commitments we
make. That’s how I went from barely
being able to reach my toes to
teaching at one of Australia’s best
yoga studios.”

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