Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017



Just because you’re travelling, doesn’t mean

you have to let go of your practice. Try these

simple poses anywhere, any time.

By Josh Blau

BEING A YOGI on the go isn’t always easy, particularly if you’re teaching for
most of your days. Travelling and teaching full-time has helped me become a
little more creative with when and how I practice. I’m the guy you see sitting
in Malasana (Squat Pose) near the exit row on the airplane or
hanging in a forward fold at the airport terminal waiting for my
flight. Sometimes we just need a few, quick poses to ground,
re-focus, centre and continue on. Here’s a little sequence I like
to do when I arrive at any new destination. You can do these
poses outdoors or from the convenience of your hotel room
using a pillow or blanket. No mat required!
Free download pdf