Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Standing comfortably in a neutral position, step
the feet hip-width apart or even a little wider if
it feels more comfortable. Bend the knees and
fold the body forward, taking the chest over the
thighs. Allow the body to comfortably melt here
in this position, keeping the hands resting on your
shins, ankles or even the floor. Stay here for a few
moments and allow the spine to lengthen and the
whole back body to stretch out. Your option is to
stay here or take the hands to opposite elbows, or
interlace the fingers behind your back, to stretch
out the shoulders.
This is one of my favourite poses to do on a
flight or once I come off the flight at the airport.
In fact, it is a great pose to do any time of day or
night. You can even stay here for a few minutes
to receive the Yin benefits of the pose.

Starting in your Mountain Pose, take the feet a little
wider than hip distance. Imagine that you were
doing a gym squat as you allow yourself to lower
all the way down. You can always use a pillow and
some blankets to give you some height here for
the hips. Otherwise take the heels down toward
the earth. To make it more accessible, widen your
stance and turn the feet outwards. Once here, you
have the option to keep the hands on the earth or
knees for support, or bring your palms into prayer
at the heart and use the elbows to press the knees
apart for a deeper hip stretch. Keep the spine long,
chest lifted and chin drawn in. Stay here for as long
as you like — receiving Yin benefits if you stay
between three to 10 minutes. This is another pose
that I will often do on a plane or when I get to my
hotel room, to ground, open the hips and stretch
the spine.


From Mountain Pose, step the left foot back about
half a step. Raise the arms up and out to the sides
and, keeping the hips as stable as possible, rotate
the chest toward the right, eventually aligning the
arms up with the shoulders. Extend through the
arms and relax the shoulders. Stay here for three
to four breaths. If it feels comfortable for your neck,
you can gaze back over the right shoulder. Slowly
inhale back to centre and exhale to the left.
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