Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017



This is the apex or peak pose of the sequence —
what we’ve been working towards. If you find
standing balancing poses challenging, you are
welcome to do this next to a wall, table or chair for
support. Standing with the feet a little wider than
hip width apart, inhale your right leg up and draw
the knee in toward the chest. Bending the left leg,
place the right ankle on top of the left knee-cap.
Keeping the foot flexed, start to sit back into the
hips. Keep the collar bones lifting, shoulders soft
and neck long as you sit as far back as you can.
Options for the arms here — either rest your hands
in prayer position or, using the hands to increase
the intensity, press them down onto the right shin
as you sit further back. Stay for five to 10 breaths.
Once finished, move to the other side.


Sit comfortably in an easy cross-legged position.
You are welcome to use a cushion, pillow or
blanket under the buttocks to elevate the hips —
this will make it easier to fold forward.
Start to walk the hands out in front of you,
folding the belly over the thighs — go as far as
you can and allow the head to rest down. I like to
use this more as a restorative pose and allow the
body to find a comfortable resting position here.
It can also be nice to rest a large pillow under the
chest or face. It’s nice to spend two to five minutes
here, simply focusing on letting the breath soften
and deepen at the same time. Once completed,
switch to the opposite leg configuration. Optional
Savasana/rest in between.


Find a comfortable seat (I like to use a cushion
or rolled-up blanket to sit on). Once feeling
comfortable, close down the eyes and take
three calming breaths. Set a timer and use this
opportunity to take a few moments to slow
down, ground and arrive at your new destination.
Savasana can also feel really nice here. Take your
time, go slow and enjoy.

Josh Blau has a diverse spectrum of yogic knowledge,
including a 200hr training in L.A with Black Dog
Yoga and a 500hr training with Sri Dharma Mittra
at Dharma Yoga Centre in New York City. Josh’s
commitment to a daily practice and being forever
a student, keeps his classes fresh, ever-changing
and inspiring. Josh is also a co-founder of the Om
People. Learn more at

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