Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1




november/december 2017

serve them now when making
their career choices, as well as in all
future life decisions.

    Once the mind is quiet, it allows our
    inner knowing to surface. Ask your teen
    to take a piece of paper and journal all
    thoughts that spring up. If they have a
    blank, instruct them to answer these
    questions: If I could be anything, what
    would it be? If I could do anything, what
    would I do? Encourage them to dream
    big and not limit what thoughts come
    up, but to write down every possibility.

    Once you have a clear understanding of
    your direction, what it is you want to
    do or become, then comes the task of
    managing any limiting or negative
    beliefs that surface. My teen yoga
    classes love an exercise I call ‘chuck
    it’. Ask your teen to write down on a
    piece of paper any negative, limiting, or
    disempowering beliefs they have about
    their future direction, job or purpose. It
    could be something like, “I can’t”, “I’m
    not good enough”, or a worry or fear
    such as, “What if I don’t succeed?” Then
    have them tear it all up and throw it in
    the bin.

Help your teens discover their life purpose and set the stage for success.


recently asked a class of five-year-olds
the question, “What do you want to
be when you grow up?”Astronaut,
ballerina, explorer,andmermaidwere
some of their enthusiastic answers.
This is a beautiful age for little hearts
to dream big.
Fast forward and ask the same
question to teens making their subject
choices for college or university, or

By Loraine Rushton

forging a career path after leaving
school and we see the spark disappear.
Fears and worries cloud judgement.
Limiting thoughts take over such as,
“Will my exam results be good enough
to take me into my subject of choice?
Will I get one of the limited places?
Will they like me? Should I choose my
second or third favourite, but what
feels like the safest option?”
Life could look very different
for these teens if they learnt
how to stay open to future
possibilities without
limiting beliefs. Here are
some of the tips I share
with all my teen classes
for how to stay true to
what your heart desires
and follow the path you were
destined to fulfi ll.

    Have you ever asked a class of teens,
    “What do you want to do when you
    leave school?” If you have, then you
    are well aware of the blank faces and
    the utters of, “I dunno.” In order to
    live a life of purpose, and choose
    the right path for you, fi rst you
    must know what that path
    could look like. And the
    only way to access this
    information is to be
    still, become very
    quiet, and listen.
    Because our inner
    voice is different
    to our outer voice,
    and we must use
    practices that help
    us to connect with
    it. Breathing
    exercises, such as
    belly breathing or
    alternate nostril
    breathing, work
    well. Teaching
    teens to quiet
    their minds and
    listen to their
    inner guidance will


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