Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017



Cleansed crystals for

As humans, we tend to overthink and analyse things, so that
we can ‘be sure’ that we’re getting it ‘right’. What I love about
crystals is that there is so much that we don’t know. Crystal
technology is nothing new, and neither is crystal healing.
Crystals have been used for thousands of years, with records
showing their existence in the lives of the ancient Sumerians,
Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese.
What’s fascinating is that crystals were highly regarded in ancient
times, and today we’re seeing a resurgence in their popularity.
What a beautiful thing that we are embracing — the return to what
our ancestors knew, respected and gained benefits from. There are
different crystals for just about everything. Some are renowned for
their cleansing, stress-relieving and purifying properties (for example,
amethyst). Others for their soft energy of love, compassion,
self-acceptance and peace (for example, rose quartz). And others
for their warm, energising, abundant properties to help support
the transformation of dreams and wishes in to tangible form
(for example, citrine). Different crystals can impact the physical,
emotional and spiritual aspects of our being ... it’s simply a
matter of how we interact with them.
If you’re keen to use crystals in your skincare rituals, there has
never been a better time as more and more artisan skincare
makers are choosing to incorporate crystals into their
manufacturing process. You can either choose the DIY approach,
or enjoy the benefits with products already prepared for you.

Samantha Sargent is a natural skincare expert and distributor for
AEOS skincare. AEOS Energised Organics works with an alchemist
who takes up to 12 months to transform solid crystal rocks into a
tincture that is then added to each product, so that the crystal
can be absorbed by the skin, and into the bloodstream for
assimilation. What the lab has found over years of honouring this
alchemical process — that the ancients such as Hippocrates used to
adhere to — is that the liquid crystal tinctures have an impact
on both the emotional mind and the skin.

Crystals take on energy, just like
we do, so when you get your
newfound treasures home, bathe
them in salt water. Or even better,
take them down to the beach and
bathe them in the ocean. Crystals
also like to be cleansed and
charged during a full moon. To do
so, simply lay them on a natural
surface under the full moon’s light.
Create a crystal-infused beauty
water by placing your cleansed and
energised crystal in a glass bottle
of purified spring water. Place this
in the sun for one full day. Transfer
the crystal-infused water to a small
glass bottle with spritzer cap and
use when cleansing your face.
Rose quartz: helps reduce redness
Amethyst: helps improve
moisture retention

Turquoise: helps to activate
water balance and is particularly
beneficial for dry skin,
eczema and psoriasis
Quartz: has a cleansing and
detoxifying effect on the skin
Opal: supports the formation
of red blood cells
Blue Chalcedony: has a
moisturising effect on the skin
that helps with regenerating
dehydrated and congested skin
We’re spoilt for choice these days
when it comes to the range of
brands that are using crystal
energies in their beauty elixirs.
Numerous natural brands place
crystals in their labs to energise the
production process and products.
Artisan makers are also adding
crystal-infused water to their
products, or placing a little cluster of
crystals within the face mist bottle,
to further energise the product.

Yoga mat spray

Unless you’re a Bikram devotee, it’s possible that your yoga
mat has remained a sweat-free zone over the cooler months
of winter. With the coming of warming weather and more
detoxifying asana flows, you may find your yoga mat glistening
at the end of your class; a tribute to all those long side-angle
holds or repeated sun salutations. Either way, it is important to
remember to clean your yoga mat from time to time — for our
own health and the noses of our fellow yogis! A simple DIY
cleaner can be customised with your favourite essential oils
which not only keeps your mat squeaky clean, but also smelling
divine and offering uplifting properties that inspire your practice.

1/4 cup white vinegar 1 cup of water
10 drops of lavender essential oil 10 drops of tea tree oil
Find an empty spray bottle and clean well. Fill your bottle
about 3/4 full with water, then pour in the vinegar almost to
the top of the bottle. Add in the essential oils and give the
bottle a good shake. Give your mat a few sprays after each use
and wipe down with a clean cloth.
*Feel free to mix up your oils. The tea tree is great for sterilising,
but other lovely oils include lemon, orange, peppermint,
frankincense, cinnamon. Try to ensure your oils are natural
and organic where possible.
Kelly is a passionate writer and yogi who combines her love
of writing with her forays into health and wellness. Kelly has
travelled the world sharing ways to live simply, mindfully and
sustainably through her work.
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