Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1



Our editor shares one of her favourite

and most versatile kitchen creations.

WIN your very

own processing prop!

I have personally fallen in love with
my newly acquired Cuisinart food
processor, and it’s a product I wouldn’t
hesitate to recommend for any yogi’s
kitchen. Pesto is a great place to start –
but it’s also perfect for nut meals, bliss
balls and so many other healthy and
tasty treats. And it’s so easy to use and
clean – bonus! For your chance to win
a Cuisinart eight-cup food processor,
send us an email with Cuisinart as the
subject [email protected]

PESTOwas one of the first things I ever learned to make in the
kitchen, and I always have a jar handy in the fridge for adding to
salad dressings, pasta and healthy snacks. My greatest learning
from years of making this delicious dip is that you can pretty much
substitute the basil with anything. You could use coriander and chilli
for a more Thai-inspired taste, or replace it with some sun-dried
tomatoes or roasted pumpkin to give dishes a Mediterranean twist.
Having the right equipment makes all the difference. You can
go old-fashioned and use a mortar and pestle, but I’ve found a
food processor to be my best friend in this creation. I’ve tried using
blenders in the past, but you just can’t achieve the same chunky
Here’s my trusty recipe with plenty of options to let your inner
food processing goddess shine! Feel free to experiment with your
own additions and get creative.

You will need:
2 cups tightly packed fresh basil (or coriander/
a blend of other fresh herbs, roasted pumpkin
or beetroot)
½ cup roasted (or raw) pine nuts/cashews/
1 to 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
(use more/less to taste)
½ cup extra virgin olive oil (or a more
mild-flavoured olive oil. If making a beetroot
dip, use plain yoghurt instead of olive oil.
If making another roast vegetable dip,
use less olive oil)
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice (or lime)
3 Tbsp. savoury yeast flakes (or Parmesan
cheese for a non-vegan option)
Salt and pepper to taste
Feel free to add some lightly toasted spices to
taste (Moroccan spices work well with pumpkin)

Place the basil (or basil substitute), nuts and garlic
into the food processor and pulse to combine.

Turn the motor on and slowly drizzle the olive oil in a
thin stream (remember to use less if you’re making a
vegetable dip).

Add the lemon juice, savoury yeast flakes, salt and
pepper and any other spices you’d like to add and
pulse a few more times to combine.

Add to salad dressings, pasta (or zucchini pasta!),
bread, crackers – or add a dollop to your dinner.
Enjoy within five days and keep in a sealed jar
38 in the fridge.

november/december 2017

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